By John Wayne on Tuesday, 30 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

A Wave of Leftist Judges and Much More, By Chris Knight (Florida)

 A Harris presidency will be a disaster for both the US and the West, and will certainly endanger Australia's defense, given the sympathy that such an extreme Leftist has for mother China. The opinion polls, all fake, are showing Harris with a lead over Trump at the moment, very close of course. That is needed to make the electoral fraud machine somewhat plausible, such as closing polling booths a late in the night, kicking out weak Republican scrutineers, and bringing in loads of fraudulent votes. And many other things:

One thing on the agenda of a Harris presidency will be to stack the Supreme Court with Leftist judges. This will neutralise conservative judgments and ensure that the most radical Leftist agendas get through, such as total gun banning. As detailed below, if this does not produce Civil War II, nothing will, and America will simply wither on the vine.

"President Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday following his announcement to exit the 2024 presidential race. In his speech, Biden said that pushing for Supreme Court "reforms" will be a priority during his final six months in office.

"I'm going to call for Supreme Court reform, because this is critical to our democracy," Biden said.

Reports surfaced last week that President plans to propose sweeping and radical changes to the Supreme Court. Those include introducing legislation to end life tenure for justices, which would purge the longest-serving members of the Court, Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. The President is also expected to push for an enforceable "code of ethics."

Now that Biden has endorsed and passed the torch to VP Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee, where does she stand on overhauling the Supreme Court?

According to Yahoo News, one political analyst suggested that Biden's mention of Supreme Court overhaul was his way of "signaling to Vice President Harris and to the party more broadly that this is a fight that the time has come to take on."

As a presidential candidate in the Democratic primaries of 2020, Harris said she would consider court-packing. During a forum in New Hampshire, a moderator asked Harris how she felt about adding as many as four seats to the Supreme Court. The then-senator from California said she was "open to this conversation." The Washington Post also reported that Harris would support ending life tenure for Supreme Court Justices.

In his recent remarks, Biden didn't specifically say he'd push for court-packing or expanding the size of the Supreme Court. But that doesn't mean he's discarded that option or that other candidates won't consider it in the future.

"We are on the verge of a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court," Harris told Politico in 2019. "We have to take this challenge head on, and everything is on the table to do that."

Similar to Harris, many politicians and radical activist organizations have made clear that "everything is on the table" in their attempt to stage a Supreme Court Coup.

Make no mistake. On top of unconstitutional changes like imposing judicial term limits and an "ethics code," court-packing remains a very real threat. You're seeing this dangerous proposal in virtually every other headline or news story you come across, as the far Left and their media allies urge the Democratic Party to make court-packing a central part of its 2024 platform.

Some news outlets are suggesting that Harris could be more aggressive than Biden on the Supreme Court front.

Harris has "taken a more forceful tone than Biden in condemning some of the Court's recent rulings," according to The American Prospect. "Harris's own dire warnings about the Court's future rulings also suggest that she might be even more forceful in pushing for broader reform, including Court expansion."

As Election Day approaches, Americans should take note. Court "reform" is a lie. It needs to be exposed for what it really is: a brazen power grab. It's all a politically motivated stunt to turn the judiciary into a rubber-stamp for a political agenda.

The future of the Supreme court is at stake, so it's vital for Americans to demand answers from politicians on where they stand and show up at the ballot box this November.

Whether it's court-packing or ending lifetime tenure for federal judges (court purging), or giving Congress "oversight" of the Court's internal business, all of these proposals would be catastrophic and unconstitutional. If this Supreme Court Coup succeeds, it wouldn't just destroy the Supreme Court. It would be the gateway to tyranny in our country, politicizing our courts. It would end the independence of the judiciary, put in peril the rule of law, the Constitution and even our most cherished and foundational freedoms—starting with religious liberty.

As First Liberty President & CEO Kelly Shackelford explains, "Fighting for religious freedom, or any constitutional freedom, means nothing if our system of justice is gone."

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