By Super User on Wednesday, 26 July 2017
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

A Needless Death By Sad Uncle Len

     Uncle Len, who liberals would dismiss as a racist, joined Aboriginal activists, and mainly young people in Rundle Mall, in a place far away, called Adelaide,  on the 24th July, to protest about the penalty given to a White man who ran over a 14-year old Aboriginal boy in his ute:  The lad was killed after stealing a motor bike in the Western Australian Goldfields region.

     One report said this: “Instead, the teenager, who wasn’t wearing a helmet, tumbled under the car after the impact and died instantly from severe injuries to his neck, chest, pelvis and right leg, a fractured skull and bruised lungs.

     Footage of the crash scene played during the trial showed the small motorcycle smashed into pieces, the boy’s shoes had flung off his feet in the impact, a tyre mark on the bumper of the ute, damage to the undercarriage of the vehicle and a long trail of oil leading to where it stopped.
The vision caused family members to leave the court weeping.

     The man conceded he had been driving too close and didn’t have time to stop, admitting that was "unsafe.” All this over a bloody motor bike! And, the stupid bike was destroyed after all.

     Normally I hate socialist types, but when I heard an impassioned speech by one girl, followed  by an emotional address from the heart by an Aboriginal lass, I decided to stay and protest with them, although this may have turned many people in the Mall off, seeing me. But, I noticed that multicult/multiracial Australia, passing by, had no interest in this issue; no-one joined in that I could see. There were a few cynical remarks made by some people passing by, from  a variety of races.

     I wonder how Aboriginal people will go in the Australia that the elites are now creating? If White Australia has been bad for them, how will the New World Order culture be any better? I have a really bad feeling about what is coming for us all.

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