By John Wayne on Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

A Legacy of Lies, By Charles Taylor (Florida)

While not exactly admitting that he is mentally unfit to run for re-election, Biden's open letter left no other conclusion to be made. He, or someone, wrote this: "It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term." Perhaps he will be amazed the next day that he did this, having no recollection of penning the letter.

As documented below, the Biden administration and the liberal media have lied since 2020 about Biden's mental fitness right up until the debate with Trump when they still lied but realised that Biden would not make it and was falling apart fast. This shows beyond any shadow of a doubt the deceptive nature of the false news mainstream media. The US is the biggest and most in-your-face example of this, but we see this bs every day right across the West, including Australia. The Covid plandemic supplied clear examples of this, where the medical authorities still double down on the "safe and effective" mantra, despite studies now refuting it.

"Joe Biden himself finally admitting he is in no condition to run for re-election is the smoking gun that definitively proves the corporate media have been lying and covering up the truth of his condition for years.

It's not right-wingnuts declaring Biden unfit after watching The Obvious in a video the corporate media then declares a "cheap fake" and "deceptive" and "misleading," even though the video is unedited.

Read the small sampling below with the knowledge that it was on June 27, just minutes after that first presidential debate, that the corporate media decided Biden had to drop out of the race:

NBC News on June 19: "The deceptive Biden G7 video was quickly debunked, but it kept going viral anyway"

CNN on June 14: "Right-wing media outlets use deceptively cropped video to misleadingly claim Biden wandered off at G7 summit"

Washington Post on June 11: "How Republicans used misleading videos to attack Biden in a 24-hour period"

CBS News on June 18: "Misleading Biden videos go viral"

ABC News in August: "How do you know Joe Biden is not going to finish his term? What is that based on?"

New York Times on June 21: "How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts"

MSNBC in March: "This version of Biden intellectually, analytically, is the best Biden ever"

And it's not Republicans declaring Biden unfit as the corporate media slander them for "mocking his stutter" and having "absolutely no standing to diagnose somebody's cognitive decline."

Joe Biden quitting has now confirmed two things the political right has been saying for years:

1.His mental decline has reached a point where he can no longer serve as president

2.The corporate media have been covering up his mental decline

Good grief, listen to Politico's Jonathan Martin and NBC's Chuck Todd brag about how they knew "for years."

The corporate media knew.

They all knew.

If Chuck Todd and Jonathan Martin knew, trust me, they all knew.

They saw the videos we saw, and then they lied about them to protect a man they knew wasn't fit to serve as president.

What's more, they saw Biden a lot more than we did. They saw him at political events, at gatherings… They saw him at the White House… They talked to the people around them… They knew more than we did and still they covered up this obvious danger to our country.

The media do not care about the country. They cared only about two things…

1.Remain in their default position where Trump supporters are always-always-always wrong

2.Defeating Trump, even if it meant running a Weekend at Bernie's campaign

As long as the media believed that Biden could beat Trump, that was all that mattered.

So, what changed?

Was it conscience?

Was it decency?

Was it a concern for democracy?

Was it one brave corporate media whistleblower — like a Chuck Todd or Jonathan Martin who have known "for years" — standing up and shouting the truth?

Of course not. These people are garbage.

What changed was the first presidential debate. It was at that point when the corporate media realized the no amount of lies and spin and Jake "Election Meddler" Tapper-style shouting of YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO STANDING TO DIAGNOSE SOMEBODY'S COGNITIVE DECLINE!!! could change what over fifty million people saw that night, and what we saw were two things:

1.The media had been lying to us all this time

2.Emperor Brandon has no clothes

So, what did these irredeemable serial liars then do? To protect themselves, to turn the conversation away from their disgrace and flip the 2024 presidential game board over in their craven desperation to defeat Trump, the very same media who just a few hours earlier had assured us that Biden was sharp as a tack, turned on Biden.

All of a sudden it's "f*** democracy" and a lawful primary election and 14 million primary voters… Biden's got to go.

I know many of you already hate the corporate media, and I know this is asking a lot, but you must try to hate them more; you must try to hate them enough, even though "enough" in this case is like contemplating the size of the universe.

It is okay to hate evil.

It is okay to hate people who lie to you.

You must try harder."

I would disagree with the hate sentiment and instead propose keeping emotionally neural and professional and get down to defeating the Left.

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