Statistics from across jurisdiction tell a grim tale about marriage, and even for young males, having any romantic relationships at all. In the UK, the majority of women between the ages of 16 and 34 have not married, and by then reproduction will be more difficult, compared to if it was done at a sensible age. According to Pew Research Center, 63 percent of US men between the ages of 18 and 29 are single. Then one needs to consider the failure rate of marriages, with 50 percent of US marriages ending in divorce, and for Australia, for example, the figure is less, at 41 percent.

So, clearly there is a problem. The feminist celebrates this, seeing heterosexual, but not non-binary marriages, as oppressive, patriarchial, blah, blah. But, marriage has been a foundation institution for society, and it is a bold experiment to see how far the fabric of human nature can be pushed. I predict disaster, then reconstruction from the ruins.

“A majority of women between the ages of 16 and 34 have never married in Britain. as more young people are putting off starting families to achieve economic goals, or outright rejecting matrimony.

In the latest blow to the state of the traditional family in the UK, the once-in-a-decade census has revealed that a majority of women in every age group from 16 to 34-years-old have remained unmarried while the number of people overall getting married has fallen to its lowest level on record, the Office for National Statists (ONS) said on Tuesday.

According to the census figures, some 54.2 per cent of women aged between 30 to 34 were unmarried as of 2021, an 11 per cent increase over the previous census in 2011 and over twice as many recorded in 1991 when just 18.3 per cent of 30-34 year old women were unwed. There was also a 13 per cent increase in unmarried women between the ages of 25 and 29, 80.5 per cent of whom were recorded as never marrying.

While the decline in marriage is often attributed to younger generations putting it off until later years, this apparently does not always work out for many women, with the data showing that one in four (23.9 per cent) of women never entered into a marriage or civil partnership by the age of 50.”

“An unsettling majority of young American men are single, while most of their female counterparts are in a relationship.

According to Pew Research Center, 63 percent of men between the ages of 18 and 29 are single, while only 34 percent of women in the same age range are single.


Overall, adults in the lowest age cohort are the most likely to be single, “meaning they are not married, living with a partner or in a committed romantic relationship.” Forty-seven percent of all U.S. adults under the age of 30 are single, whereas the next-highest age range — 30-to-49-year-olds — are the least likely to be single at 21 percent.

While young men are far more likely to be single than middle-aged men, the same pattern does not persist among females. Young women report being single at the same rate as women 65 and older.

Not only are young men in America significantly more likely to be single, they are also more likely to be friendless, lonely, and sexually uninvolved.

“Men are more under attack than ever. A majority of college graduates are now women, and men are making less in the workforce,” American Principles Project President Terry Schilling told Breitbart News. “And because women expect their partner to make more than them, it’s leading to a great isolation of American men.”

To deal with this problem, in a Plan B way, Aaron Clarey has published The Menu: Life Without the Opposite Sex, that sets out alternative things one can do with one’s life without the opposite sex. Sad, to end up like this.