The World Health Organization (WHO) is always busy, busy, busy, having plenty of funds parasitically drained, like some sort of disease-carrying swampland mosquito, from the productive wealth of nations. In the month of March, 2024, some of that hard-earnt money was spent on producing and publishing a "new toolkit empowering health professionals to tackle climate change." And we will not be disappointed to find the same climate change alarmist position taken by other globalist organisations such as the World Economic Forum: "Our world is witnessing a concerning trend of warming temperatures, extreme weather events, water and food security challenges and deteriorating air quality. The frequency and intensity of these events are surpassing the capacity of both natural and human systems to respond effectively, resulting in far-reaching consequences for health."

So far, nothing new. But the toolkit is aimed at doctors, who should have some interest in disease eradication. As argued in detail in the extract below from the great site, Daily, the climate change wing of WHO must have not received the memos from the disease control part of WHO, since there is no evidence of any dramatic rise of "climate-related food-borne and water-borne diseases" and the "incidence of vector-borne diseases." In fact, there have been substantial reductions in the global mortality of diseases such as malaria, diarrhoeal diseases (mainly from contaminated water), along with deaths from natural disasters. Thus, in Africa, deaths from malnutrition fell by three quarters between 1990 and 2017. Deaths from diarrhoeal disease fell by two thirds in the same years, while malaria deaths have halved. This has meant that over 10,000 fewer infants die in the world every day, compared to infant mortality rates in 1990.

Thus, we have yet another example of the twisting of data to meet a preconceived ideological position, climate change alarmism. Will doctors be fooled by this? Sadly, after the general compliance seen by this group during the Covid plandemic, and the silence after the event, I think they will either be true believers, or else just go along with it, like they do with everything else. So, yes, doctors will lie to promote climate change alarmism.

"Last month, everybody's favourite intergovernmental agency, the World Health Organisation (WHO), published a "new toolkit empowering health professionals to tackle climate change". The toolkit is the latest attempt to enlist one of the most trusted professions into the climate war. But not only is this transparently ideological and condescending 'toolkit' lacking in fact, it requires 'healthcare professionals' to use their authority to eschew science and lie to their patients and politicians. The climate war is, after all, political.

The problem for climate warriors of all kinds since the climate scare story emerged in the 1980s and became orthodoxy in the 1990s and 2000s has been the rapid improvement of all human welfare metrics the world over. On the one hand, all life on Earth and the collapse of civilisation hangs in the balance – that is supposedly the implication of data that shows the atmosphere has got warmer. But on the other hand, people living in economies at all levels of development are today living longer, healthier, wealthier and safer lives than any preceding generation. The era of 'global boiling', as UN Secretary General António Guterres put it, also happens to be the era in which unprecedented social development has occurred.

That is a paradox if you accept the green premise that economic development comes at the expense of the climate. The UN, which has staked its authority on being able to address 'global' issues such as environmental degradation, is committed to defending the 'global boiling' narrative. But, at the same time, actively trying to retard the development of low-income countries risks undermining its authority in the developing world.

The statement made by the WHO's introduction to its new toolkit epitomises the feeble efforts to square this circle, which try to spin interference in the development of low-income countries as being for their benefit:

Our world is witnessing a concerning trend of warming temperatures, extreme weather events, water and food security challenges and deteriorating air quality. The frequency and intensity of these events are surpassing the capacity of both natural and human systems to respond effectively, resulting in far-reaching consequences for health.

Surprisingly, for a 'toolkit' aimed at people such as doctors, who have a proven capacity to understand scientific literature, the toolkit offers little evidence in support of these claims. It says that "changing weather patterns and extreme weather events can reduce crop yields, potentially leading to food insecurity and malnutrition" and that the "breeding window for mosquito-borne disease is broadening due to changing weather patterns". The reference for both of these claims is given in a footnote, which provides a link to the 2023 IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report, which says in relation to the first claim:

The occurrence of climate-related food-borne and water-borne diseases has increased (very high confidence). The incidence of vector-borne diseases has increased from range expansion and/or increased reproduction of disease vectors (high confidence).

But dig a little deeper into the IPCC's discussion on vector-borne diseases and you find the following figure depicting mortality risk of various climate-related factors for six regions of the world.

As the data clearly show, since 1990 there have been radical reductions in mortality caused by malaria, malnutrition, diarrhoeal disease, natural disasters and exposure to temperature extremes. The only departure from those trends is dengue, which in any case is of far less significance than the other factors, claiming approximately just 1.75 lives per 100,000 per year, compared with malaria, which claims more than 50.

How do these data compare with the WHO's claim that "the frequency and intensity of these events are surpassing the capacity of both natural and human systems to respond effectively, resulting in far-reaching consequences for health", and the "occurrence of climate-related food-borne and water-borne diseases" and the "incidence of vector-borne diseases" have increased? They do not compare. In Africa, deaths from malnutrition have fallen by three quarters between 1990 and 2017. Diarrhoeal disease mortality has fallen by two thirds in the same period. Malaria deaths have halved. Consequently, more than 10,000 fewer infants die in the world each day than died each day in 1990.

This is, or ought to be, all the more remarkable to anyone who tracks developmental data, because of the WHO's longstanding attempt to link these diseases of poverty to climate change. In the 2002 World Health Report, the WHO claimed that 154,000 deaths were attributable to climate change, almost exclusively in High Mortality Developing Countries (HMDCs) – a figure obtained by estimating climate change's impact on each of these diseases of poverty. Yet despite the radical progress that has been shown since 2000, the WHO has shown no interest either in revising its understanding of climate change or in developing an understanding of what has driven these improvements in global health, in spite of its name. Instead, it has doubled down on the climate-health narrative.

A similar 'paradox' can be shown by comparing the WHO's statements on food security with other UN agencies' data. There is no evidence of climate change adversely affecting agricultural production in vulnerable economies. …

The reason the WHO's toolkit is so bereft of evidence and logic is because it's just political propaganda. The document credits authors who are not medical doctors and climate scientists, but psychologists at the Centre for Climate Change Communication located at George Mason University, led by Dr. Ed Maibach. As I have pointed out previously in the Daily Sceptic, climate shrinks' unwelcome intrusion into climate politics does nothing to improve debate and only serves to antagonise increasingly intense conflicts. And their involvement in producing the WHO's toolkit is no exception. This remote, conflicted intergovernmental agency claims the authority of 'experts', but its guidance instructs doctors to eschew science, evidence and debate – it literally advises them not to engage in debate – and instead to promulgate green ideology: the mythical claim that there are 'links' between climate and health, that the green 'transition' will improve health and that complying with emissions targets is cheap as chips.

The toolkit may give 'healthcare professionals' the justification to lie to the public and politicians, but that's not 'empowerment', it's just fibs. And its recruitment of psychologists to mobilise doctors and nurses as the instruments of a political agenda is yet more evidence of the urgent need to dismantle the WHO, for the sake of billions of people's health and wealth."