The Epoche Times has an article dealing with the question of whether the truth about the Covid plandemic will ever come out. The question is not directly answered, but the discussion is informative. I think that enough information has, and will get out, to inform us of the harms that have been done, and are likely to come. Probably there will be no final conclusion made on the lab release from Wuhan, given US involvement, but if Trump gets in, maybe something will happen. The main point is to get available information as it comes to hand, and the, Covid plandemic team does this daily. All armies need intelligence, and information upon which to form policies to act. nowadays the talk is for solutions, not talking about the problem. But, one needs to know what one is up against, what the problem is, before a “solution” is possible.  


“This is the question that seems to be on the minds of many these days.

The attempt to reach “zero-COVID” was a colossal failure. Original claims of mRNA vaccine efficacy have reportedly been shown to be based on falsified data. Excess mortality is spiking across the globe. And the Canadian government has finally admitted they have a multi-million dollar contract (pdf) with the World Economic Forum for Traveler Digital ID. What was fiction and then conspiracy theory is now reality.

Many believe we are approaching a tipping point, that we are on the verge of a revelatory storm, that the truth is finally coming out.

And yet most people still believe in the narrative, still cling to the idea that lockdowns and masking were necessary and effective, that their questioning friends are unstable “anti-vaxxers,” that government is noble and mainstream media unimpeachable. And from the files of the truly unfathomable, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is now urging doctors to prescribe drugs and even psychotherapy to their noncompliant patients. The tipping point is hardly a sure thing.

What if we never reach it? What if the guilty are never held to account? What if we forget only to transgress again and again?

Anecdotes of the harms of the past two years are palpable but ignored. Patients complain of symptoms their doctors won’t acknowledge. Citizens tell stories the media ignores. Family members try to open dialogue only to be shut down. The stories are told, but for the most part, they aren’t being heard.

I recently interviewed Trish Wood, who moderated the Citizens’ Hearing about the harms of our public health response to COVID-19. She wrote that, a week later, she still felt shaken by the magnitude of what she heard: the damage done to careers, families, and children by the blinkered approach of public health experts. She heard the stories of doctors who were silenced when trying to advocate for patients, people whose lives were forever changed by vaccine injury, and most tragically, stories of those like Dan Hartman, whose teenage son died following mRNA vaccination.

Wood wrote powerfully about the importance of taking account of embedding the acknowledgment of these harms in our collective moral conscience. Her words are, dare I say, reminiscent of Auschwitz survivor Elie Wiesel’s.

In the aftermath of the Holocaust, at a time when the world was so morally injured, so eager for a new start, Wiesel saw it as his responsibility to speak for those who had been silenced. At a time when most couldn’t bear to remember, Wiesel couldn’t bear to forget. He wrote:

“I believe firmly and profoundly that whoever listens to a witness becomes a witness, so those who hear us, those who read us must continue to bear witness for us. Until now, they’re doing it with us. At a certain point in time, they will do it for all of us.”

Wiesel’s words are hauntingly poignant for our time.

Those who tell the stories of the injured knowing they will be ignored, who advocate for patients only to be censured, who highlight the children who have died by suicide rather than from COVID-19 only to be silenced do it because they believe that a cry in the dark will eventually be heard. And even if it isn’t, they feel obligated to testify on behalf of those who can’t speak for themselves.

I apologize if my reference to Nazi atrocities offends you. My aim in making the comparison is not to be irreverent but purposeful. True, the atrocities of our time aren’t identical to those of 1930s and ’40s Europe. But they don’t need to be to learn important moral lessons from them. Wiesel’s promise of “never again” wasn’t just to past victims of atrocities but to all future victims as well.

This is how the battle will be fought now, whether the truth about the past two years will be dragged into the open or revised into oblivion. We are already seeing backpedaling among our officials, whose mishandling of the pandemic is undeniable.

But that is beyond my point. We have relied for too long on institutions to do the remembering for us, to generate moral responsibility on our behalf. In the era of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, personal accountability has been trained out of us. We were taught to believe that institutions would act as our surrogate moral conscience, taking account and making apology for us. I don’t deny the importance of collective responsibility. But sometimes moral injury is personal, done by individuals to one another, and the accountability needs to happen in kind.

There are few who aren’t personally complicit in the harms of the past two years. And the temptation to put on the armor of the bystander is powerful, to say we weren’t involved, that we “had no choice.” But complicity is a form of moral action, sometimes the most powerful there is.

Wouldn’t it be lovely if our moral slate could be wiped clean, if we could be absolved of all the hurt we have caused? But this doesn’t honor the truth, and it’s not the way we exercise our humanity.

What if the truth never comes out?

It may not.

But if it doesn’t, it shouldn’t be because we ignored those crying out to us, because we stood behind a shield of compliance and deference. The road back to freedom, unity, and reconciliation starts with testimony and accountability, and we need to take those painful first few steps now.”

Dr Vernon Coleman

“The journalists and collaborators who sneered and scoffed, and said it could never happen, were clearly wrong – again.

The fraudulent pandemic, the covid-19 jabs, the lockdowns, the masks and the panoply of psychological, brainwashing tricks introduced by lying, cheating governments and government advisors were designed to terrify and to force populations to learn to obey whatever instructions they were given and to accept whatever lies they were told.

The aim, as we knew all along, was to reduce the size of the world’s population. That’s what the conspirators frequently told us. And that is what they meant.

The covid-19 jab will kill many. Abandoning the elderly, the sick and the disabled will kill millions. The growing famine in Asia and Africa will kill a billion or so. But that won’t be fast enough. A good, chronic, designer war will kill billions.

It is possible because the conspirators have suppressed the truth, demonised the truth-tellers and terrified millions into becoming collaborators in their evil conspiracy.

And, of course, the bought-and-paid-for medical profession (bought with massive, unprecedented taxpayer-funded fees for giving jabs they must have known did more harm than good) and the bought-and-paid-for media (bought with massive, taxpayer-funded advertising which kept them alive) supported and promoted the conspirators and their conspiracy.

Right from the start, I felt it was patently clear that what was happening in Ukraine is being used as an excuse to build up enthusiasm for World War III.

And since the beginning of what is best described as an Orwellian designer war, the conspirators have been working hard to push the collaborating public (brains softened by too many months of mask-wearing and too many toxic injections) into demanding a war against Russia.

The UK Government – which has debts up to its collective eyeballs – is spending another £25 billion a year on sending bullets and bombs to Ukraine to make sure that the war continues and gets worse.

Putin is being pushed into a corner in the hope that he will become so desperate that he drops nuclear bombs on Ukraine. That’s precisely what the conspirators want.

A pitiful melange of morons and cretins, blind to what is happening, their brains frazzled by the toxic covid jab, are screaming their support for Ukraine – without having any idea what is happening or why.

None of them gives a damn for the umpteen other wars in the world (e.g. Yemen and Syria) or for the fact that Ukraine and Russia have long-standing form for squabbling and killing each other’s citizens. None of them cares that Ukraine is as guilty of war crimes as Russia.

Brainwashed and ignorant, they wave their little Ukraine flags, as mindless and as pathetic as drunken football fans on the rampage. Councils, and concerned but brain-dead citizens, fly Ukraine flags on their flagpoles, and purr smugly with self-satisfaction. Motorists have Ukraine flags attached to their cars. People who look intelligent and human have Ukraine badges in their lapels. None of them has the brains to realise that they are merely pawns in an Orwellian game of deceit and control.

In the same way that Germany’s invasion of Poland led to World War II, so it is now clear that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine could be used as an excuse for the conspirators to start World War III.

As I argued back in April 2022, there is no longer any doubt that NATO deliberately pushed Russia into invading Ukraine. Nor is there any doubt that this is not, by far, the most egregious military activity occurring at the moment. The wars in Yemen and Syria have killed far more people but have aroused little or no interest among Western politicians or journalists.

I don’t think anyone who has studied the evidence would disagree with the conclusion that Russia was inspired to invade Ukraine in order to help further the plans of those prosecuting the Great Reset.

The food, fuel and fertiliser shortages which are a direct result of the orchestrated invasion will wreck the global economy and force up inflation, prices and interest rates.

In the West, particularly Europe, there will be much hardship. Millions will lose their jobs and millions will lose their homes.

But the real cost will be felt in Africa and Asia where hundreds of millions will die of starvation in the coming months. It would be naïve to think that this was anything other than deliberate genocide. The politicians responsible for the deadly sanctions against Russia should be treated as war criminals. Those sanctions have done their greatest damage in Western Europe.

In April I wrote that I thought it somewhere between unlikely and impossible for the fighting in Ukraine to spread into the rest of Europe and lead us into World War III. I thought that even the most aggressive, war-loving collaborators would baulk as food and fuel prices rose.

But the media has done its job well. Letter columns are full of demands for more action, more bullets, more war. Political leaders talk of deposing Putin and arresting him. People who said nothing during the war between Russia and Ukraine in 2014 are now suddenly filled with horror. People who ignored Putin when he gassed a theatre full of people are suddenly appalled – because they have been told to be appalled. People who ignored Putin when he allowed sailors to die in a nuclear submarine are suddenly shocked – because they have been told to be shocked.

The people who have been brainwashed into demanding a greater war have been manipulated and do not realise that they are being used. They are the same people who fell for the recycling myth. They’re the people who fell for the global warming myth. They’re the people who accepted the toxic, experimental jabs with unfettered enthusiasm. These people have been moulded and trained and turned into gullible compliant servants of the Great Reset.

We are already deeply involved in this designer war.

The British Government has sent arms into Ukraine, thereby involving Britain in the conflict.

The public is being encouraged to support Ukraine. Under the guidance of the conspirators, the media is constantly reporting on atrocities (which may or may not have happened) and encouraging the public to call for more Western involvement.

Individual Russian citizens (who may not have committed any crimes, let alone been involved in the invasion of Ukraine) have been hounded and punished. Sportsmen and musicians who happen to be Russian have been denied the opportunity to ply their trades simply because they carry Russian passports. Businessmen are seeing their property taken from them – simply because of their citizenship. There is talk of confiscating assets from all Russian citizens.

And members of the public are being constantly encouraged to support Ukraine. I haven’t seen any sign of support for the oppressed people of Syria or the oppressed people of Yemen but the people of Ukraine are being treated as very special.

The conspirators who have controlled the world for the last two years, and whose publicly avowed aims include genocide, digital enslavement and a world government have pushed the public into demanding that Britain, America and other countries become more directly involved in the conflict in Ukraine. More bombs and more killing. The plan is to push Russia into extending the war.

Is it any coincidence that the British royal family seem to be moving out of London? How safe will big cities be in the coming months?

These are bad times, orchestrated and conducted by evil conspirators.

The only certainty is that the conspirators are in control. And the innocent stooges who wear, wave or fly their little flags in support of Ukraine are playing into their hands.

The conspirators created this conflict. And it is becoming increasingly clear that they aren’t finished with it.

A few months ago, World War III was nigh on impossible.

Today, you’d have to be very naïve not to realise that World War III is part of their plan.

There are signs that more and more people are waking up to the real disaster that we now face. People are asking why they should starve and freeze to death because of a conflict that does not concern them – a conflict which has been composed and conducted by leaders in America and Europe.