I am not sure if I made a dig about this before, but given the election of John Fetterman who struggles to make coherent speech, as well seen in his weird debate with his Republican opponent Dr Oz, the bar has not only been lowered, but tossed away, totally. Thus, Pennsylvanian state representative Tony DeLuca was re-elected. Only problem is, he died last month. But, consider; why should being alive prevent him from holding his position, isn’t that “life-ist”? It may be a bit difficult for a dead man to vote … or is it? His vote could automatically be what the Democrats at he time want, since nobody dares buck the system. In fact, is there any need to have representatives at all, rather than robots that just do what they are told?




“John Fetterman, the brain-damaged stroke victim who needs a computer spitting out closed captions to understand speech and struggles to speak in complete sentences, was declared victor in Pennsylvania’s Senate election late Tuesday night.


Multiple networks have now called the PA Senate race for John Fetterman. A guy who lived off his parents until he was 50, has never had a real job, wants to release 1/3 of criminals, and lied about the nature of his stroke to the public will be the next senator from PA.

Fetterman is said to have defeated Mehmet Cengiz Oz, a Turkish Muslim who promoted child sex changes on his long-running daytime TV show, who Republicans put forward as their candidate.

Fetterman will join demented White House resident Joe Biden as an excellent representative of the Democratic Party and a testament to the success of “election fortification” and media propaganda.

Soros-funded Attorney General Josh Shapiro was also declared victor over Doug Mastriano in the race for governor.”