Pam Geller has the following email report from a US nurse who is reporting an alarming incidence of cardio-vascular events, including strokes among young, double vaxxed people. on the home page has a video where an Australian doctor, suitably disguised, says the same. Naturally the medical system has moved to cover this all up in the greatest scam of all-time. When the dust from this settle, if ever, few people left living will trust the medical system. But, I suppose, as Mike Adams has proposed this week, there will not be many of these vaccine groupies plying their trade in those post-medicine days to come.

“The side effects, dangers and contraindications of the jabs are being suppressed and censored. When the government took over and nationalized our healthcare system under Obamacare, not only did they destroy it, they weaponized it.

I received this email from a reader:

My daughter works in the stroke wing of Ascension health system in Pensacola, Fla. She has been there for 5 years. She has told us that the number of stroke patients has doubled since the vaccine has been pushed on everyone. She says that she sees young people who have no issues, in their 30’s and 40’s having strokes. She isn’t allowed to asked if they have been jabbed. But she is an RN and knows what is going on. She also says the hospital isn’t recording actual side effects from jab. And she is seeing them.”