My wife Abigail saw this one, and said “what have people become.” If the surveys can be trusted, it seems that a majority of respondents supported Canada’s medical assistance in dying regime. Worse, a large minority of people supported assisted suicide for homelessness and poverty. That puts society on the road, or slippery slope, to murdering any dissent, or people stepping out of line, such as anti-vaxxers. Think of it like this; who would have thought Canda would be at this door, say 50 years ago? And, in another 50 years? Anything is possible.

“The results were contained in a recent Research Co. poll probing just how comfortable Canadians were with the current state of the country’s MAID (medical assistance in dying) regime.

Starting in March 2021, Canada became one of only a handful of countries to legalize assisted suicide even in instances where a patient does not have a terminal illness. Ever since, a Canadian can be approved for MAID simply for having a “grievous and irremediable medical condition.”

Research Co. found that 73 per cent of poll respondents favoured the current regime, and only 16 per cent opposed it.

Pollsters also found not-insignificant numbers of Canadians who favoured assisted suicide in cases where no medical condition of any kind was present.”