Another big bit of US electoral fraud news. Maricopa County officials refused to comply with giving access to the election routers and other items contained in a subpoena issued by the Arizona Senate on July 26. Along with this, Dominion Voting Systems stated it would not be supplying the passwords sought in a separate subpoena. Now to my suspicious mind, that is highly suspicious. What do they have to hide? Remember, the winning team has said that this was the fairest election of all time. So, it should withstand any scrutiny.

“Maricopa County officials refused Monday to comply with giving access to the election routers and other items contained in a subpoena issued by the Arizona Senate on July 26.

Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., also stated it would not be supplying the passwords sought in a separate subpoena directed to the company.

“Maricopa County long ago provided to the Arizona Senate everything competent auditors would need to affirm the accuracy and security of the November General Election,” Maricopa County Board of Supervisors chairman Jack Sellers argued in a statement issued after a closed-door session of the board Monday morning.

Arizona Senate President Karen Fann and Arizona Senate Judiciary Chairman Warren Petersen issued two new subpoenas on July 26 to Maricopa County and Dominion.

The subpoenas set a deadline of Aug. 2 at 1 p.m. to comply.

The subpoena issued to the county sought information and access regarding six matters.

First, it sought all “reports, findings and other documents concerning any breach of the voter registration server, the Maricopa County Recorder’s Office systems, or any other aspect of the Maricopa County elections systems at any time within six months of the November 3, 2020 general election.”

Next, all “ballot envelopes received in connection” with the election, or digital images of them.

A key finding of the audit revealed at a July 15 state Senate hearing was that there was reportedly no record of up to 74,000 absentee ballots being mailed that apparently were counted in November’s election.

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The Senate subpoena also sought all “user names, passwords, pins and/or security keys or tokens required to access, or otherwise relating to, any and all ballot tabulation devices used in connection with the November 3, 2020 general election in Maricopa County.”

“This is specifically for all levels of access, including, but not limited to, administrator access or any level of access required to access and print the configuration of the ICP2 [in circuit programming] devices.”

Additionally, the senators requested all voter registration records and change histories for those records.”

Time would be better spent breaking up America.