By CR on Thursday, 27 June 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Weaponising Multiculturalism… it was Always A Time Bomb By Paul Walker

     Multiculturalism and the diversity cult, are indeed nation killers, for that is why the Dark Lords of Mordor unleashed them. But, let others tell you so, while I sit back, with my tin-foiled hat, pondering with a cigar and a stiff drink, listening to the black helicopters hovering overhead.

“Politics in America is about the competition of interest groups for political power. Once victorious an interest group does not go away; it escalates its demands. The civil rights movement started out with demands for basic human dignity. Once those were met, it legitimately demanded equality of opportunity, and once that was achieved, it demanded preferential treatment where equality of opportunity was redefined, in Orwellian fashion, as equality of result. Flush with success, it now demands reparations where those who never were enslaved will receive compensation from those who never owned slaves, all in the name of virtue and justice. By nature, humans are tribal. Tribalism is the easiest way to organize people and mobilize them politically. Until very recently, America was a multi-ethnic society with a dominant culture. That culture is breaking apart as we become more tribal, and we begin to think of ourselves in terms of tribal loyalties, as reinforced by political elites.  Multiculturalism is the great myth of our time. The cliché is, “Our strength is our diversity.” But is it? Military officers sent to Vietnam learned that the enemy’s strength was a homogeneous culture, language, and identity.

There is no real multicultural society on the planet that has not tumbled into barbarism or devolution. Whether Lebanon, which institutionalized multiculturalism in its constitution and exploded into ethnic warfare, or Rwanda, where tribalism descended into barbarism, multiculturalism does not work. Switzerland is not a multicultural society. It has different language groups with one strong, unshakeable identity. The Swiss know who they are. Something we seem to be forgetting. Ask the white farmers who are being hunted in South Africa like animals, with the eager justification of some black political elites, if Nelson Mandela’s vision of the rainbow society is working. Minorities will support the idea of multiculturalism as long as it advances their own interests. Consequently, tribalism ironically finds its justification in multiculturalism. In the name of multiculturalism, Muslims want public schools closed on Muslim holidays and halal food in the school cafeterias. Somehow the tribal aspirations of all cultures are legitimate, unless those tribes are white or Christian.

In the name of multiculturalism, schools have segregated dormitories, student unions, and even graduations. But imagine if whites wanted to segregate the student union, to have white-only dormitories and graduations? The virtue signalers would descend on the campus in outrage. Muslims in Seattle wanted their public-school students greeted with a Koranic blessing during Ramadan but let a dozen Christians stand beneath the flag and silently pray in the name of Jesus, and one would think the Constitution was being eviscerated. The advocates of affirmative action hiring in the name of diversity almost never seek to hire whites where there is a preponderance of minority employees. Diversity is only good when it means hiring minorities in white-dominated situations, not the other way around. No man or woman wants to be a stranger in their own land, told their culture is illegitimate, or the aspirations of their children must be sidelined because of historic injustices of which they had no part, save that someone with similar skin color was advantaged by them.

We are told it is the essence of bigotry to see the disproportions of black crime and not look beyond race to social and economic factors, but when it comes to the evils of enslavement, all whites are guilty, even those whose ancestors never owned slaves or had not stepped foot in America until slavery was long gone. The mobilization of tribal instincts is the means for elites — especially the identity-obsessed left — to advance their quest for political power. But in politics, as in physics, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Newton’s Third Law embraces the political world. Do not expect whites to sit by idly and be told their culture is illegitimate, and they are responsible for all the evils in the world. Expect that they too will be mobilized on the basis of identity. In the end, if we devolve into a multicultural society, we will have the same political instability as other multicultural societies. The mobilization of people by identity will create a society that is inherently not viable. It is what the left’s myopic obsession with phony multiculturalism and identity politics will bring.”

     This idea that things are so far gone that the Anglo-Saxon ethnic groups needs to stop regarding itself as “universal” and protect its own ethnic identity and interests before it disappears, is far too advanced for conservatives, or most intellectuals from our side  to yet understand, with their simplistic messages od salvation of the so-called “nation,” whatever that now means.  They hope that it can somehow be pulled out of the fire, for otherwise, “it’s all tribalism.” And, it is indeed, because the Other is intrinsically tribal and is not going to change because dumb Anglos don’t recognise their genetic interests. Think about how we do free trade, while all the rest do the disguised protectionist thing, and see industries get destroyed; it is a parallel example. Face the hard realities, or die off.
The US is a study of how it will all go down:

“Bring in hordes of left-leaning Third Worlders, almost all of whom are non-white, then lambast anyone who notices or raises questions as “racist.” Except, it’s not about race, not to us anyway. It shouldn’t matter, and it really wouldn’t matter, if the people crossing our border en masse were, say, Commie-hating Cubans. Sure, we’d still ask for orderly, LEGAL immigration, but conservatives aren’t raising a ruckus over Indian doctors or Tibetan IT techs, and if Canada were a Third World country and socialist loving white people were pouring across Montana, you can bet there would be a problem there too. But no, Democrats see a strategic advantage in thwarting President Trump’s attempts to secure the border, then encouraging hundreds of thousands of liberal-leaning Latinos to cross illegally, knowing full well their overwhelming numbers will overwhelm any attempts to vet and properly process them and that they’ll disappear into the American heartland, no strings attached. Dare to notice, and leftists will lump you in with real racists - people who genuinely hate and wish harm on other races. Thankfully, retired Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor dared not just to notice, but to say it on national television during an appearance on Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight” last week. In Macgregor’s view, forcing “demographic change” is an integral party of Democrats’ strategy to get and hold onto power.

During a conversation with Tucker Carlson about the short and long term effects of the president’s recent trade deal with Mexico, the former Army officer listed Democratic Party strategy as one reason why the deal cannot “profoundly influence” the border crisis over the long haul. As proof, he brought up two names we all recognize – Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan – and posts they once held, senator from and governor of California. Does anyone in their right mind think anyone like Nixon or Reagan could ever statewide office in California again? No? Why on earth not? “It’s called demographic change,” Macgregor said, “and right now the largest ethnic minority in California is largely Mexican and Hispanic. … The Latinos — the Mexicans — are the base of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party has decided they are the future for the left in the United States. The more of these people that can be brought in illegally as well as legally, the better it is for the Democratic Party because their goal is to transform the United States into a facsimile of California.” Remember, by and large this new crop of immigrants aren’t coming here for “freedom” (else they’d probably vote Republican). They are coming here for the “free” stuff, stuff Democrats are all-too-willing to give in exchange for reliable votes. Indeed, Democrats have been weaponizing immigration for years in search of that “permanent democratic majority” they keep going on about, and their efforts are clearly bearing fruit:

“But the nation's transformation is remaking the national electoral map as well,” wrote Forbes contributor Pete Saunders in 2016. “It's been well noted that states like Nevada, Arizona and North Carolina, strongly conservative and Republican for decades, have become battleground states in part because of the surging numbers of minority voters in the last couple of decades.” In an article titled, “Demography Favors the Democrats,” CityLab’s Tanvi Misra broke down how America’s “increasingly diverse electorate” is flipping an electoral switch for Democrats that will be difficult if not impossible to flip back. Sure, Trump managed to win the Rust Belt thanks in no small part to older disaffected white voters, but each passing cycle only works in Democrats’ favor. US News & World Report senior writer Susan Milligan predicts Texas’ “growing Hispanic population” could help turn the state purple, and eventually blue, in the coming years. If Republicans think they have a hard time winning elections without Virginia in their column, imagine trying to win without Texas. Sadly, Democrats are all too aware that the best any Republican has done winning the Hispanic vote in recent memory is George Bush’s 40 percent in 2004, and that doubtless included many Commie-hating Cubans who do a great job for the most part keeping Florida red. Take the Castro-haters out, and you’ve got a ready-made electorate who generally love big governments, totalitarianism, and socialism. In other words, race matters … to Democrats. Question what they’re doing, and they’ll call you a “racist.” Comply, and kiss any chance of winning a national election - and your freedoms - goodbye as America slowly becomes a carbon-copy of the hellholes from which they came.” 

     That illustrates the delusion behind the Left’s post war push for immigration. It was seen in Britain where it was admitted that mass immigration was used as a political weapon to bring in Labour voters. Unfortunately for the Left, this will only work in the short term, and longer, they get replaced too, which is poetic justice. Sad to see the West die though, but the ordinary punter could have stopped this. But, is was just too hard for them to turn out on Saturday and man polling booths at election time when they were needed, and there was still a chance of stopping this.

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