By CR on Monday, 22 June 2020
Category: Constitution and Law

Universities Need to Follow the Lead of Oxford By James Reed

     Oxford University, a world leader in scholarship and research is also a leader in social justice politics as well, and is dealing with the intrinsic racism in the grading system against Black and other students:

“Oxford University students who feel the 'traumatic effect of the brutality' of George Floyd's death made them do worse in exams can apply for mitigating circumstances considerations. The announcement by vice-Chancellor professor Louise Richardson followed pressure from campaigners at the university who claim the horrific video of Floyd's last moments had a lasting impact on black students. Floyd was killed when white police officer Derek Chauvin pressed his knee into his neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds despite his desperate pleas that he 'can't breathe'. Professor Richardson said the manner of Floyd's death was a 'manifestation of institutionalised racism' in the letter signed by 35 college principals, The Daily Telegraph reports. Students should inform the university should they 'feel their performance has been affected', she added. University staff are also being urged to 'reach out to any black students who may be experiencing difficulty at this time', the letter said. It added: 'The university has, as Britain does, a history that is marked by colonialism and imperialism. The recent protests have also brought a renewed focus on this era of Oxford's history.'”

     Right stuff Oxford, a good start, but since the past is full of colonialism and racism, racism everywhere, it is best to abolish assessment altogether for people of colour, nay, everybody, as assessment discriminates between those who know stuff, and those who do not, and that is racism. Racism. Racism. More racism. Racism is everything, all-encompassing, everywhere where whites are, or are even thought about.  White racism will still exist trillions of years into the future, when even sub-atomic particles are decomposing, and entropy is at a maximum, because, well, how discriminatory can one get! Back on topic: simply hand out degrees in medicine, bridge building, nuclear reactor making, and harmless things like that, for what could possibly go wrong? Think justice over white privileged ideas like truth and scientific objectivity, concepts which have been shown by Marxist sociology of knowledge theorists, to be … racist! Oh, sexist too by the feminists.

     Of course, I believe all universities should be handing out degrees with no assessment, and I will be talking to the radical socialists about this on Friday, in the shopping centre, as I always do, passing on the good oil, while eating a delicious Cornish pasty. Not just full of potatoes, but curried vegetables, carrots, peas, the very taste of Cornwall.

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