By CR on Thursday, 14 March 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Under Labor There will be No More Labour! Abortion Clinics on (Almost) Every Street Corner!! By Mrs Vera West

     No, not false news, only a metaphorical flourish from an increasingly exasperated old girl. But it is almost correct, as Labor, when they inevitably get in, as the sheeples turn with disgust from the Libs, will ensure that public hospitals provide free abortions. Apparently, there are not enough abortions now, and access must be made even easier than it already is:

“Public hospitals will have to consistently offer abortion services as part of commonwealth funding agreements under a federal Labor government. If it wins the upcoming election, the party would also build a new Tasmanian reproductive health hub so women don't have to travel interstate for abortions and other medical care. And it would look at making sure the contraceptive pill, long-acting removable contraceptives, and medical terminations are more widely available to Australian women. Deputy Labor leader Tanya Plibersek said every Australian woman should be able to access health services in the place and time they need them. At the moment, there is a patchwork of service provision, with some women turned away from public hospitals when they need to end a pregnancy and then not being able to access or afford to go to a private clinic, or having to travel hundreds of kilometres for care. "Choosing to terminate a pregnancy is difficult enough," Ms Plibersek said on Wednesday.””

     The Australian Greens have already proclaimed that they want abortion laws like those in New York, allowing abortions up to birth, which is not explicitly stated as such but is a logical implication of their policy of decriminalisation of abortion:

     The usual. The abortion issue  has heated up, and next to immigration is one of the holy grails of the New World Order morality. Witness the frenzy already being seen in the US:

“California and 20 other Democratic-led states announced they were challenging the Trump administration’s effort to set up obstacles for women seeking abortions, including barring taxpayer-funded family planning clinics from referring patients to abortion providers. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra said Monday that the state filed its own federal lawsuit in San Francisco that aims to block a new family planning rule from the U.S. Health and Human Services Department. Opponents of the rule say it would shift millions of dollars from Planned Parenthood to faith-based family planning organizations.

     Think of anything that brings a civilisation down, and we have it; abortion of demand morphing into infanticide/baby killing, open borders immigration, and a relentless attack on all Western traditions. Obviously, these people want an end to whiteness and Western traditions, as one famous critic has said, but these yappers and snappers never stop to think what the real consequences of all this deconstruction will be. Do they really think that they will create a new world of milk and honey for all? Or are they just fans of Mad Max and The Walking Dead and want to LARP (Live Action Role Play)?

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