For some reason Turkey is in NATO. It must be the most anti-Western NATO country. At 7th Religious Council in Turkey's capital Ankara, President Erdogan, who never misses an opportunity to slam the West, spoke of the West's progress being built upon "blood, tears, massacres." "The West's progress, built on blood, tears, massacres, and exploitation, has temporarily overtaken the human-centered civilization of the East. A day will come when this era of progress, which excludes the sacred and humanity, will close. As Western civilization collapses with a great clamor, our human-centered and divinely inspired civilization will rise again, stronger than ever."

The idea here is that Islamic civilisation was progressive in all aspects until the West, by "blood, tears, massacres," overtook it, but the West is now disintegrating and Islam will rise once more. But this history is flawed, since there was only a brief period of advancement in Islamic learning, based upon the discovery of the manuscripts of Aristotle, but it fell away. There was "blood, tears, massacres," from their side, stopped at the Gates of Vienna.

If and when the West collapses, as a global civilisation has been built around its technological progress, it is most likely the rest of the world will crash down with the West as well, including Turkey. Sure, they can go back to camels and tents; nothing wrong with that at all. But Erdogan seems to be thinking that techno-industrial civilisation will continue without the West, which I think is delusional.

Have a merry Christmas, men and women of the West!

"President Recep Tayyip Erdogan delivered remarks at the 7th Religious Council in Türkiye's capital Ankara, touching upon the current state of Islamic civilization.

'West's progress, built on blood, tears, massacres'

Türkiye's Directorate of Religious Affairs is hosting the 7th Religious Council from Nov. 26 to Nov. 28, focusing on the integration of artificial intelligence into religious services and advancements in digitalization.

In his speech touching upon the current state of Islamic civilization, Türkiye's president said: "The West's progress, built on blood, tears, massacres, and exploitation, has temporarily overtaken the human-centered civilization of the East. A day will come when this era of progress, which excludes the sacred and humanity, will close. As Western civilization collapses with a great clamor, our human-centered and divinely inspired civilization will rise again, stronger than ever."

Erdogan speaks during the 7th Religious Council held at the Conference Hall of the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Ankara, Turkiye on Nov. 26, 2024. Erdogan made striking remarks on Western civilization. ( Muhammed Selim Korkutata – Anadolu Agency )

Palestine, Gaza and Western civilization

The Turkish president said that Muslims have been attacked not only physically but also spiritually and intellectually. He said the attacks on Muslims reached its peak in recent years.

He said the following: "There is a clear, systematic, and more organized assault against the values that define us and our essence. The perpetrators of massacres in Palestine, Gaza, and other Islamic lands, who seek to exterminate Muslims, are evident. While covert and insidious enemies employ every means, the war in recent times is increasingly waged through social media."

The 7th Religious Council brought together around 300 participants from Türkiye and abroad, featuring 55 papers presented across 25 sessions."