By CR on Saturday, 01 December 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Trump in Chains By Chris Knight

     Both Charles Taylor and I, covering the American scene, have spoken metaphorically about Trump ending up in chains. Now the chattering class are openly saying it:

“Actor Ron Perlman warned that President Donald Trump will soon be “in chains” for committing the “high crime of treason.”

“And go he will. Preferably in chains. For the high crime of Treason,” Ron Perlman said in response to another social media user.

Ron Perlman

And go he will. Preferably in chains. For the high crime of Treason.

Richard W. Painter

Just like Pravda, the Reich Propaganda Ministry and other fine examples of state run media.
He needs to go.

Trump suggests the US should form a state-run, global news network …”

     Of course, “treason” now has been redefined to mean, treason against the globalist empire, not treason against the nation. Nevertheless , the warning is clear, and Trump needs to wake up, fast, to see the big targets that have been painted on him.

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