By Brittany Smith on Monday, 09 November 2020
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Trump Accountability Project: A Classic USSR-Style Purge By Chris Knight


Democrat followers, and Hispanic socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and many others, are busy making lists of Trump supporters, and that includes judges, to punish them, we presume, for why else bother?


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez



Nov 7


US House candidate, NY-14


Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future

This makes it inevitable that the kingpin of all of this, Donald Trump will be punished, I believe imprisoned and executed in just the way Epstein and others inconvenient to the system were. So, he better wake up.


And to top it all off, we see that little traitor Jared still whispering in Trumps’ ear, to concede, all after destroying Trump. Can people please get on the internet to expose this undercover Democrat?  Yes, he is, or was, a registered Democrat voter, so guess who he voted for? This creature has been lurking in the background, allowed to wreck the Trump administration from within, from the beginning, and despite even the mainstream media exposing the family crimes, only Tucker Carlson went nuclear on him.

And while  attention was focussed on Hunter Biden, there was this elephant in the room:

He should never have been allowed in the White House.

From that point Jared kept further in the background, always with a sinister look on his face as he eyed Trump, the target of his destruction. Jared was responsible for making Trump abandon white voters, and worst of all going soft on Big Tech, which was, next to voting fraud, a major force that destroyed Trump. The crushing of free speech is now playing out, as the entire electoral coup is being censored.

At the final hour, as Donald Trump faces total destruction, will he have enough brain power left to kick this pest out? Does the man have a death wish, much like Western civilisation? We will see. Recognising the corruption and treason within a family is hard, but it has to be done.

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