By CR on Tuesday, 27 November 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Told You So: North Korea Keeps its Nukes By James Reed

     Aaaaah … I thought it was too good to be true, and that we would escape nuclear annihilation too easily. North Korea is going to keep its nukes, and who says then the little guy who is dictator will not eat some rich food and suddenly get the urge to splurge:

“North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong-Un, has decided to keep the nation’s nuclear weapons, despite promises to the Trump administration that he would begin denuclearization. It appears that a nuclear war threat is still lingering and could be the topic of discussion when president Donald Trump meets Kim early next year. According to The Daily Star UK, sources inside the Communist state have reportedly revealed its leader Kim Jong-un has no plans to surrender his nuclear weapons despite talks of denuclearization with Trump. Jiro Ishimaru of Asia Press International, revealed insiders have said Kim has been assuring his citizens he won’t allow North Korea to be vulnerable. “Even after Kim met with [U.S. President Donald] Trump, progress on a peace treaty has been slow,” said Jiro. “So Kim must feel the need to assure people domestically that he has no intention to let go of nuclear weapons.” Talks between the US and North Korea have not gone as smoothly as expected since Trump and Kim had their historic and landmark meeting in Singapore in July. Although the two leaders have agreed to a second summit in the US early next year, the schedule and agenda have yet to be set in stone. A high-level meeting to iron out details that was scheduled to have taken place on November 8 was canceled the day before without explanation. But it’s a safe bet that the US will be adding North Korea’s nukes to the discussion.

     According to the South China Morning Post, several political policies are complicating things. The politics of the ruling class could very well the reason North Korea has elected to keep their nuclear arsenal intact. One issue further complicating matters was a report by the US think-tank the Center for Strategic and International Studies claimed that satellite images showed that North Korea had at least 13 secret facilities used to produce missiles. If that is found to be true, the findings are not surprising; the North has not yet agreed to halt development of nuclear weapons or missiles, although it has staged no tests since the summit. Fans of an end to the human story by nuclear obliteration will surely be delighted by this predictable turn of events.

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