By CR on Saturday, 14 July 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

This is a Real Problem: The Decline of the Mathematical Mind By Dr John Jensen

     Mathematics and physics are my passions in life, but I have grave concerns about the survival of basic knowledge, which permits civilisation to continue. In a nutshell, people are becoming so dumbed down, even given technology, which they use like “magic,” that if some sort of collapse occurs, it may not be possible for any sort of speedy rebuilding of advanced knowledge, contrary to thinkers such as Lewis Dartnell, in The Knowledge: How to Rebuild Civilization in the Aftermath of a Cataclysm, (Penguin, New York, 2015). People may not be even able to understand long sentences, like the previous one.

     Rebuilding the world from first scientific principles will, at some point require a high degree of mathematical knowledge, and I do not believe that Dartnell has considered how difficult it will be to preserve mathematical knowledge. Consider:

“Suppose, a litre of cola costs US$3.15. If you buy one third of a litre of cola, how much would you pay? The above may seem like a rather basic question. Something that you would perhaps expect the vast majority of adults to be able to answer? Particularly if they are allowed to use a calculator. Unfortunately, the reality is that a large number of adults across the world struggle with even such basic financial tasks (the correct answer is US$1.05, by the way). Using Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Programme for International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC) data, my co-authors and I have looked at how adults from 31 countries answer four relatively simple financial questions. As well as the question above, participants were asked questions such as: “Suppose, upon your trip to the grocery store you purchase four types of tea packs: Chamomile Tea (US$4.60), Green Tea (US$4.15), Black Tea (US$3.35) and Lemon Tea (US$1.80). If you paid for all these items with a US$20 bill, how much change would you get?”

The results (as seen in the table) allowed us to create an estimated range for the percentage of the adult population who would be able to answer the cola question correctly. These results are based upon a random sample of adults from each country. The estimated proportion of adults who could answer the question correctly. We found that Lithuania, Austria and Slovakia were the most successful, but even in these countries, one in four adults failed to give the correct answer. In many other countries, the situation is even worse. Four in every ten adults in places like England, Canada, Spain and the US can’t make this straightforward calculation – even when they had a calculator to hand. Similarly, less than half of adults in places like Chile, Turkey and South Korea can get the right answer.

Basic calculations
Of course, not all groups within each country perform quite so poorly, and there are notable differences in financial literacy skills between different demographic groups. Across the four financial questions adults were asked, in most countries, men tended to perform slightly better than women. The young (particularly 25- to 34-year-olds) were also found to perform better than the over-55s. Many adults struggle with basic financial tasks, like working out what’s better value at a supermarket.

The starkest differences were seen by education group. Returning to the first question given above, in many countries adults with a “low” level of education (the equivalent of completing secondary school) had less than a 50% chance of getting the question correct. In places like Canada and United States, this fell to as low as 25%.”

     Thus, an alarming number of people, even in so-called high IQ countries such as Japan,  championed by the racial realist school of deracinated white cucks, who could not get the basic math correct. This raises many problems, especially for the financial reform movement, because if the people are becoming genetically dumbed down in some sort of politically correct dysgenic dystopia, there will  be grave problems getting them to understand the basics of financial reform, let alone fractional reserve banking practices. I submit these issues to your consideration, as your humble mathematical servant.

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