When pressed for details about how the Voice will operate, the Prime Minister has said to go have a look at the Calma-Langton report. Well, the Institute of Public Affairs has done just that and produced a critical response, Undemocratic, Unfair, Complex and Divisive: An Analysis of the Calma-Langton Report (June 2023). This model has a group of elites of the V who are not democratically elected, but who will be influencing every aspect of Australian social and political life. But, the Voice elites will not be accountable to anyone; however, the Voice will legally enforce consultations if governments dare not to consult (i.e. accept) their dictates.


There will be in the Voice, a complex two-tiered structure of 35 Local and Regional Voices and a National Voice. Thus, all levels of government, and the public service will  be involved in consultation, at a cost, conservatively estimated at $ 605,000,000 per year by the IPA. The Prime Minster is not speaking about this, merely mouthing feel-good woke platitudes to get the Voice over the line, he hopes.


Needless to say, this proposal is not merely divisive, but a certain disaster, since it will require all levels of Australian government to cooperate at a level never before achieved. For what? For a group of elite to feel that they had achieved something of significance in their agenda, at the cost of the Australian nation itself.



““It is becoming clearer by the day that Australians are sick and tired of being treated like fools by Voice to Parliament advocates who simply refuse to explain what changing our Constitution will mean for our nation,” said John Storey, Director of the Institute of Public Affairs’ Legal Rights Program.

It has become a hallmark of the referendum campaign that when the Prime Minister, and other advocates, are asked to explain critical details about the Voice to Parliament proposal, they invoke the Calma-Langton report.

Specifically, when asked in an interview on 18 January 2023 on the 2GB Ben Fordham Live programme whether members of the Voice would be paid, the Prime Minister answered, “go and have a look at the Calma-Langton report.” In that interview he deflected on no-less than four occasions to the report for detail.

Today, the IPA has released an analysis of the Calma-Langdon report and the detail it contains, which found:

“When put under the microscope, the Calma-Langton report shows how undemocratic, unfair, and divisive the Prime Minister’s preferred model for the Voice will be, with a wages bill alone that will likely cost over half a billion dollars a year,” Mr Storey said.

“As the Parliament votes next week to approve the referendum process, Australians are deliberately being kept in the dark by a government that is attempting to pull the greatest constitutional con-job in Australian history.”

“This proposed model for the Voice to Parliament was clearly designed by activists for activists to push their own agenda, rather than improve the lives of Indigenous Australians,” said Mr Storey.”


“Executive Summary Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has provided little detail about how his proposed Indigenous-only Voice to Parliament will work in practice. When pressed for more detail about this proposed amendment to the Australian Constitution, the Prime Minister’s only response has been frequent, direct, and explicit references to the model developed through a Voice Co-design process (‘the Calma-Langton Model Voice’) and published in the Co-design Final Report (‘the Calma-Langton Report’). The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) has reviewed the Calma-Langton Report and the Calma-Langton Model Voice. The IPA’s analysis has identified the following problems with this model:





The government has made it clear that it intends to proceed with the referendum on the Voice without further details being provided other than the Calma-Langton Report and a brief eight-point statement of ‘Design Principles’, which simply summarise parts of the report. IPA Research has established, however, that the Calma-Langton Report does not provide the detail that Australian voters need to know if they are to make an informed decision at the Referendum later this year. The details that the Calma-Langton Report does provide amount to a proposed Voice which is undemocratic, unfair, complex, and divisive.”