By CR on Sunday, 28 April 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Russian Collusion Hoax and Journo Awards By Chris Knight

     Here is one for the records, when some alien species having what humans lack, intelligence, sort through the rubble of our decayed world. The Russia stole the US election mania, which dominated the manic progressives since Hillary Clinton’s defeat, has been knocked firmly over. Yet, what about all of the articles excreted by mainstream journalist championing this idea, made with no evidence at all, or based upon secret sources? Well, as the articles below indicate, there is no recognition of error, let alone guilt. There is no point going through each article, as the titles, and hubris, are clear. This is further evidence that a collapse of the internal coherence of American society has occurred. It is difficult to see how this divide could be bridged, since the chasm now is so great. Thus, people need to recognise this, and cease the delusional belief that the system can be saved, or is even worth saving. That position is much worse than embracing the decline, and planning to rebuild anew, on fresh foundations.

     The same issue surfaced with the Jussie Smollett case of fake hate crimes, where Smollett gave a clearly absurd story which the mainstream media ran with just to attack white Americans. Then the “injustice” system let Smollett off, because, well, he was not white, for whites usually go down for faking crimes:

     While one would have thought that Trump would have gone on the attack for both cases, he only made lukewarm remarks on Twitter, his safety valve,  while  the establishment continued to degrade him in ways that conservatives never did to Obama:

     The president is a cuck. If only he was Donald Duck, then he might have a wee bit more guts. Further, anyone who does not see a serious problem with the American legal and political system, a problem which is generally reflected to various degrees in the West, should not be a journalist, or should be employed by the fake news team.

Authorised by K. W. Grundy
13 Carsten Court, Happy Valley, SA.

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