Andrea Widburg, "As Climate 'Science' Collapses, the Biden Administration Doubles Down on it for Racial Purposes," has given a good summary of the failings of the climate change agenda, including a recent paper that hammered the mainstream models for their inability to adequately model water vapour, a more important greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. However, she did not make the point about the racial agenda behind climate change alarmism, despite the title. In sort, the present mania is but one more cultural war attack upon the Whites of the West. It is them, not the Africans who are supposed to reduce their birth rates, already below replacement, even more. And, a free pass is given to communist China to build coal-fired power stations every week, while the West is encouraged to abandon fossil fuels. Even proverbial blind Freddie can see that this imbalance of views, just has to be a scam, and warfare against us.

"The "climate change" panic is predicated on computer models, which are useful for finite projects, such as calculating metal stress, designing a chair, or building dental prosthetics. However, for something as complex as the Earth's climate, with its infinite variables, the only constant for computer models is GIGO ("garbage in, garbage out"). A new report about a major failure in these models—misunderstanding water vapor input—proves this point. The report was published just as Richard Levine … put out a video using "climate change" to stir up racial division, thereby highlighting what "climate change" is really about: Power.

Anyone paying attention knows that climate change mania is a fraud. First, the Earth's climate has been changing relentlessly for its entire lifespan, long before humans started using mass quantities of hydrocarbons for energy.

Second, if you know anything about human development, humans have thrived during warming periods and suffered when it gets cold. As one example, in his masterful book about the Black Death, which killed 1/3 to 1/2 of the world's population, John Kelly explains that global cooling was the trigger. Thanks to the medieval warming period, the world's population grew rapidly because there was more food. When the Mini Ice Age began, famine set in. The cooling trend also changed trade routes, taking traders through regions filled with plague-bearing rodents. The famine-weakened population was ripe for an aggressive bacterium to run riot.

Third, as a generalized matter, cold, not heat, kills people. The colder it gets, the more people die.

Fourth, leftists have been adamantly opposed to exploring nuclear power, which is the single best option for providing energy for the modern world without increasing CO2 output.

Fifth, leftists have mostly been unfazed by the destruction wrought by their "alternative energy" programs, whether it's

Sixth, there's the little fact that the climate change predictions are almost invariably wrong:

Those failed climate predictions bring us full circle to my early point about GIGO. A new study shows that the models failed to account for how water vapor affects the Earth's ability to control the climate:

A new study published in PNAS has demonstrated, once again, that climate models fail to simulate what happens in the real world with regard to fundamental climate change variables like water vapor. This is a devastating finding, as water vapor is the most significant greenhouse gas due to its alleged "feedback" capacity, accelerating warming well beyond what CO2 is said to be capable of alone.

The authors do not understate the significance of this climate modeling failure."