Financial writer John Kim, was someone I do not normally read, being an off-grid type, into self-sufficiency. Yet James sent me this one to comment on. While there is financial advice I do not understand, there was some home-spun philosophy I liked. Kim observes, and rightly too, that we are in an age of weakness, physically and spiritually. The Left are equating physical fitness with Right wing extremism, no doubt to get the Palov dog knee jerk response, as a lot of brainwashing effort has gone into this one since the end of World War II.

The physical and socio-political weakness that have allowed evil to flourish arise ultimately from a spiritual weakness, a turning away from God in embracing secular materialism. But, for those who are out of the system, or opposing it, the core strength will be to retain spiritual strength. As Kim says: “Everywhere we look today, in education, health care, State politics, finance, the military industrial complex, forces that wish to spawn chaos and destruction upon humanity have clawed their way to the top.  If we don’t believe in the physics maxim that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, then we would have zero faith that a Higher Power of Good exists to combat all the depravity and weakness that surrounds us today. And if this were the case, the spreading darkness in our world would quickly extinguish the flame of optimism. If this were the case, I would not continue fighting and I would resign myself to a bleak future for humanity. But this is not the case, so despite the personal and financial attacks I continuously face, such attacks only strengthen my resolve to continue fighting.”

“A pandemic of virtue signalling that roared its ugly head during three years of repugnant, non-scientific lockdowns has now turned into an even worse pandemic of weakness. I have recorded a podcast series on my Substack platform titled the Downfall of Western Civilization, and all signs in recent years points to the collapse of the American empire, including fentanyl and xylazine infested neighborhoods in nearly every major city in America that have turned its users into brain-dead, non-functional manifestations of the Walking Dead to the ominipresent praising of mental, spiritual, physical and intellectual depravity by the Ruling Class. State leaders that would have been excoriated for their lack of morality a half a century ago are now praised for this same lack of morality. Citizens that understand that physical fitness is inextricably linked to mental well-being are now being labelled as far-right White Supremacists  by the morally bankrupt, lazy media that serves simply as a mouthpiece for the Military Industrial Banking Complex (MIBC) and that conducts zero investigative journalism.

We are suffering from a pandemic of weak men and women all around the world today. And when I speak of weakness, I don’t mean weakness from either a mental or physical perspective, but I have observed a spiraling descent of weakness unlike any other period of weakness I have ever observed before in my lifetime - a fourfold weakness of a more systemic and insidious nature that encompasses all of the following.

(1)   Physical weakness;

(2)   Mental weakness;

(3)   Spiritual and moral weakness, and

(4)   Intellectual weakness

The trend in which the Ruling Class has elevated and celebrated weakness in all four of the above capacities and demonized those that are strong in all four areas was accelerated during our recent reprehensible and non-science based enforcement of lockdowns from 2020 to 2023. Accompanying the pandemic of weakness has also been a pandemic of a lack of common sense. The reason I am compelled to speak out against this accelerating pandemic of weakness is that the common thread of this spreading weakness is not a harmless form of weakness but a weakness that is fraught with depravity that makes once strong men and women cower in the face of this depravity for fear of being cancelled or having their earning potential severely limited. As a consequence, those willing to fight for morality, honor, integrity are a dying breed and if we don’t reverse this pandemic of weakness soon, the next generation will be doomed to become Generation Depravity and Weakness.

There is no longer any equilibrium between the good and the bad, and the scales of justice have been tipped highly in favor of the bad today. There are billions in this world that, due to poverty-induced weakness, are constantly vulnerable to exploitation by the powerful, as the thousands of children trafficked for labor and sex and the thousands of adults enslaved on shrimp and fish boats in Asia and other regions of the world. This is not the weakness of which I speak, as those that suffer from poverty-induced weakness must be protected from exploitation by the rich and powerful. I speak of a weakness that is a cancer upon humanity that is a spiritual and moral weakness perpetually fed by the other three prongs of weakness – intellectual, physical and mental weakness.

Mass Perception Becomes Reality

Legendary reggae artist and philosopher Bob Marley provided this reply, when asked why he was still going to play a concert in Jamaica just two days after the Ruling Class attempted to murder him, as being on stage in front of 80,000 people would make him vulnerable to his assassins: “The people who were trying to make this world worse are not taking a day off? Why should I?” The number of people that understand if we stop speaking out, if we stop trying to make the world better to counter the pervasive evil in this world today, are unfortunately rapidly dwindling, giving more confidence and strength to those that want to spread evil in our world.

When I speak of weakness being pervasively lauded in society today and the fact that lockdowns were part of the Ruling Class’s vision to accelerate the spread of weakness. In the US, when the government took away the financial livelihood of its citizens and closed down small businesses in many states and made working illegal, they stole the initiative of millions by sending them checks just large enough to keep them alive but not large enough to be helpful in any other manner than survival – again the perfect equilibrium necessary to control their thoughts and behaviors. Only those that took the initiative to create new income streams when their regular one was taken from them by the Ruling Class stayed immune to their imposed thought and behavior control.

A major goal of the ruling class through their lockdowns was to usher in a real pandemic of mental weakness in the global population because the spread of co-vid should never have been classified as a pandemic. It only met the definition of a pandemic because the Ruling Class changed the definition of a pandemic just as experimental drugs met the definition of an immunization because they changed the definition of an immunization that had existed for hundreds of years prior. Calling co-vid a pandemic was as absurd as suddenly calling a lion a giraffe because the Ruling Class changed the definition of a lion to one that meets the description of a giraffe. Today I am sure there are people still befuddled by my statement that we never suffered through a pandemic from 2020 to 2023 due to the Ruling Class’s successful creation of billions that need to be instructed of what to think and believe before they know what to think and believe.  And this is the plague of mental and moral weakness which has spread far and wide.

What Has Happened to the Wrath of Good Men Against Evil Spread by Weakness?

The Ruling Class has demonstrated to the world if you are a morally reprehensible, weak man or woman, they will elevate you to a position of prominence in which you are loved and adored by billions of other weak men and women. Who is easier to control? Weak or strong men and women?  If you are a strong man or woman of integrity and principles, then you must train every day to fight. The Ruling Class will set their hounds of hell on you and make sure your life is difficult. If strength defines you, and the Ruling Class has not yet come for you, prepare now and surround yourself only with other strong men and women. Weak men and women will serve no use in our fight other than to weaken us. An inviolable concept of physics, is that:

every action must have an opposite and equal reaction.

Given this inviolable law of physics, I can’t conceive how it is possible to be optimistic in this world and not also believe in God and a Higher Power. Everywhere we look today, in education, health care, State politics, finance, the military industrial complex, forces that wish to spawn chaos and destruction upon humanity have clawed their way to the top.  If we don’t believe in the physics maxim that every action has an opposite and equal reaction, then we would have zero faith that a Higher Power of Good exists to combat all the depravity and weakness that surrounds us today. And if this were the case, the spreading darkness in our world would quickly extinguish the flame of optimism. If this were the case, I would not continue fighting and I would resign myself to a bleak future for humanity. But this is not the case, so despite the personal and financial attacks I continuously face, such attacks only strengthen my resolve to continue fighting.”