By CR on Friday, 18 May 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Modern Multicultural Fascist State By Michael Ferguson

     Life moves fast. The German anarcho-tyranny has given itself new powers of surveillance, including that of opening mail. One can be sure that such powers will be used to open the mail, not of terrorists, but those criticising the terrorism of the modern state, as many protestors may believe:

     Not to be outdone the home of 1984, multicultural fascist Britain is now moving for six year prison sentences for those criticising Islam: 

“People promoting “hostility” towards a religion or the transgendered online could get much harsher sentences, of up to six years in jail, especial if they have a large online audience according to new proposals. The Sentencing Council for England and Wales has drafted changes to public order offences, including anyone perceived as targeting online a “protected characteristics” including “race; sex; disability; age; sexual orientation; religion or belief; pregnancy and maternity; and gender reassignment.” The most severe punishments will be handed to those “in a position of trust, authority or influence and abuses their position to stir up hatred,” such as political leaders or figureheads and anyone whose offences are “persistent.” If an “offender was a member of, or was associated with, a group promoting hostility based on race or religion,” their sentence will also be harsher.”

     So take that! Ah, green sweet Britain; beautiful one day, absolutely bloody tyrannical the next. After all, the Deep State would not want anyone drawing attention to the immense problem of freed terrorist suspects:

     Terrorism is a part of European societies’ decline: 

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