I always preferred the terminology of “political correctness,” as it indicated a direct ancestral ling to Chairman Mao’s commo essay, “Where Do Correct Ideas Come From?” (1963). There was the authoritarian aspect that “woke” does not convey. Yet, even the critics have moved to the new childish terminology, so there you go. Yet, as detailed below by the American Thinker.com, the song remains the same, with a doubling down on everything seen in the 1990s. Critical Race Theory, deconstructs “whiteness,” but still manages to retain the idea that whites, who don’t exist, still exist enough for the purposes of racial punishment. And, the added thing, not mentioned below, but seen in the 2020 riots, is an intensification of violence against conservatives, and the depiction of conservatives as enemies, “terrorists,” who must be destroyed, even physically. The same rhetoric is applied to anti-vaxxers.


We are clearly seeing the endgame of all this business, which really got into gear in the 1960s, but has been festering for many centuries. It just so happens to have now got out of control, to civilisation-destroying levels.



“According to a posting I read on the Nextdoor app, "woke implies social activism, nationalism, and collectivism.  It suggests rage, passion, resistance, action; seeking to draw a line against the unacceptable."  "Woke is being alert to injustice and discrimination in society, especially racism."  So, what's wrong with being "woke"?

This is a wonderful word salad of platitudes...but what do they really mean, and how are they to be implemented?  Let's take a look.

Being woke means:

And the latest claims of wokesim: 

It is this writer's opinion that if you're so "woke-inclined," you have difficulty with accountability and rational thought.

None of this means there are no problems in the U.S.  There will always be a small minority who advocate racism.  But look at the progress made in the last fifty years, which enabled an African American (AA) man to become president and an AA woman to become vice president.  Nor are millions of immigrants flocking to China, Cuba, North Korea, Venezuela, Russia.  They are coming to the good ol' U.S. of A.  Why?  It used to be equal opportunity and equal treatment under the law.  Now it's a plethora of free stuff.

Our Founding Fathers gave us an incredible document, the U.S. Constitution — the likes of which the world had never seen — and were provided with a method to change or update it as the case requires (twenty-seven times and counting) and became the world's only superpower in about 160–170 years.  Yet being woke means I hate the Constitution, even with the corrected original flaws.

No one should be deprived of basic needs — adequate food, proper clothing, safe shelter, and a good education — if he is unable to earn the means for these needs that should be provided.  But any able-bodied and mentally competent person should work for his needs.  And a good education does not mean lowering standards, as the woke have done.

If you're busy being "woke," you're too busy to be productive in society.  You're being a victim or preaching or supporting victimhood when you could be a producer or gain the skills and knowledge necessary to be a producer.”