Social critic Roger Stone has expressed the sentiment that many critics are feeling about the mid-term elections, that they were manufactured, constructed. The over-riding paradox is that across the world there is normally a protest vote when a ruling party drives a country into the ground; an opposing party may not be elected, as occurred in France, but there is usually electoral punishment. One would expect that given the present US economic crisis that is crushing millions, producing masses of homelessness and hideous crime. But, that did not occur, and Roger Stone is rightly suspicious about the whole affair. It is contrary to human nature, a complete singularity, that leaves massive fraud as the likely explanation.


“I seriously feel like we are watching the first wholly manufactured election in our history, in which all of the key competitive races have had the results directly programmed by the cabal. The most crushing economic conditions, rampant crime, reckless foreign/nuclear war flirtations, and the most aggressive perverse assaults on family and parental rights in history,  all topped off by an embarrassing unpopular disaster in the White House leading a shrill, tin-eared bellicose fascist junta that appears indifferent to the ordeal they are inflicting on working people…and yet the Democrat monolith is barely dented.

Either the country has large states filled with brainwashed zealots who are too stupid and mindless to comprehend the reality of the collective damage they are ratifying with their votes for at best lackluster at worst appallingly deficient if not retarded candidates….or we are seeing direct black box voting manipulation at the level of final tabulations being perpetrated on a scale that renders typical ballot and voter fraud schemes unnecessary anachronisms as the decisive votes that have now kept the ruling junta largely intact, or at most just a hair from having an operating majority, are literal fabrications piled onto Democrat vote totals by a few keystrokes entered in some master election hacking operation run by IC criminals in league with and part of the Democrat Crime Syndicate.

The experts Mike Lindell brought together have been quite explicit and factually well-supported in laying out how the fraud goes far deeper and is far more comprehensive than any sort of ham-handed ballot harvesting, ballot box stuffing or illegal voting schemes on the ground. I mean, Festerman’s supposed win is beyond any rational explanation and defies every known political and electoral principle and truism that we have seen hold firm throughout our entire history…

Direct, surreptitious, totally undetectable, untraceable digital alteration of final tabulation numbers, obviating any need for any physical interventions or tampering of any kind, are the only viable option to repel and nullify the sheer popular electoral force of a such a galvanizing wave election as this one had been building up to, by nearly all empirical indications.

“Michigan polls closed at 8:00PM yesterday, election day 2022. The results strongly favoring Democrats shocked the pollsters and prognosticators, who all predicted some degree of a ‘red wave’ that never materialized.

The results directly conflict with the perception by many campaign professionals, pollsters, and those in the media that were predicting strong Republican gains.

But of course nothing was done in response to the 2020 voter fraud well-documented by outlets like the Gateway PunditIn fact, the Republicans in Michigan even made it easier to cheat by allowing clerks two extra days to ‘process’ ballots, giving potential bad actor clerks more time to cheat. This is in addition to the widespread observations of major problems with voting machines.

The journey of a ballot once cast by a legitimate and legal voter is supposed to be the collection in a poll box, delivery to the clerk who then verifies the voter is a registered, legal voter in the state’s Qualified Voter File, known as the “QVF”, the signature of the voter is checked against the one on file, and the ballot is checked for any defects. City of Detroit whistleblower Jessy Jacob came forward in 2020 to say that there were no ballots that had to be processed after 9;00PM on election night because the process was so quick for the few remaining ballots that came in close to the deadline.

And as mentioned before, clerks have had two whole extra days to count ballots, meaning that there should have been almost none that came in late.

TRENDING: We Caught Them Again: TGP Catches Late-Night Operatives Moving Van-Loads of Suspicious Ballots Way After Legal Deadline in Detroit, Michigan

Ballots are counted in a particular order. Absentees are counted first, then those collected on election day by in-person voters, and then any late-arriving ballots. There is little to no reason for ballots to arrive late. There is certainly no legitimate reason short of fraud for tens of thousands of ballots to arrive and start processing hours after the deadline for them to be collected.

The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video and photographic evidence that the City of Detroit in Michigan was collecting thousands of ballots significantly after the legal deadline in 2022. This video is from the Detroit Department of Elections at 2978 West Grand. Ballots are processed there, entering and exiting through the garage in the alley behind the building.”