The title is from Jeremiah 8:20. The quotation from the Old Book occurred to me when I read these statistics about Islam in the UK:

Mayor of London ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Birmingham ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Leeds ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Blackburn ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Sheffield ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Oxford ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Luton ... MUSLIM     
Mayor of Oldham ... MUSLIM 
Mayor of Rochdale ... MUSLIM 

     Consider that there  are 4 million Muslims out of the 66 million population and there are:

Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques 
Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts 
Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils 
Muslims Only No-Go Areas Across The UK 
Muslim Women... 78% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing 
Muslim Men... 63% don’t work and are on FREE benefits/housing 
Muslim Families... 6-8 children planning to go on FREE benefits/housing 

     Now all UK schools are only serving Halal meat! Simply project these statistics on by a few decades and what do you get? Blind Freddy should be able to see, but he does not, even if he is not blind. He just buries his head in the sands hoping that the thought police will not pick on him next.
     Along with this, the Left have seemingly adopted radical Islam as their “cool” religion. This is at first sight confusing because one would think that feminists would oppose an ideology that, in radical versions, advocated genital mutilation and women covering their heads:

As one site observes:

“Women are dehumanized, subjugated and treated as inferior on a daily basis in Islamist state of Iran as well as other Muslim states. Many people in there are struggling every day despite all the dangers they face to obtain the few rights they can. In general, a woman’s testimony in court is worth half of a man’s testimony. Women need approval from their male guardian to leave the country, and in Saudi Arabia, to leave their home. Women cannot obtain a passport without a guardian’s consent. In Iran, a man can marry any woman he desires. Men are allowed to have four wives and an unlimited number of temporary marriages (mut’a), but women can only marry a Muslim man. Honor killings continue while the regime turns a blind eye to them.
Based on the law of tamkin (obedience), women must provide full accessibility and unhampered sexual availability to her husband. Article 1105 of Iran’s Islamist Civil Code states, “In relations between husband and wife, the position of the head of the family exclusively belongs to the husband.”
Article 1117 of the Iran’s Islamist Civil Code states that states :
“The husband can prevent his wife from an occupation or technical profession which is incompatible with the family’s interests or the dignity of him or his wife.”
Men can initiate a unilateral divorce. Women receive only half of what men get in inheritance. A wife gets to receive only one-sixth of an inheritance if she has a son when her husband dies. If she has only a daughter, the inheritance would not automatically go to them. The deceased husband’s family -- brothers, sibling and parents -- would have a call on it as well. Women cannot become judges... and the list goes on.”


     The Pauline Hanson hijab (Islamic female head covering) debate well illustrates the selectivity and hypocrisy of the liberal/Left on this debate. Notice how the political class all assembled to attack and vilify her, when what she did was a legitimate political comment. Why not have women dressed like this, although under radical Islam, they will not be appearing in parliament? The critique was that such an objection alienated the Muslim community who are needed to combat terrorism. Talk about circular reasoning, for this problem would not exist under Hanson’s immigration policy, or the policy which Australia had for most of its history. What was that called again? You know, the sort of immigration policy that Japan and China have, nations free of the Western problem:
That simple logic is far beyond the immigration-crazed Left. No “sustained guerrilla warfare: there, or soft borders, or home-grown terrorists: The Weekend Australian, August 19-20, 2017, p. 17.

     As argued by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who once wore the hijab, but now is a critic of Islam, and has received death threats, and been (absurdly) called a “racist” by the demented Left, “expecting half of humanity to go around covered in black sacks is just evil sexism,” The Weekend Australian, August 19-20, p. 21:
Of course, dear, you are right, but the feminists will continue to pour burning coals upon you. What else have they to do with their time, and Our tax money?

     Outside of the feminism issue, liberal/Leftism is set to have problems with the same sex marriage issue and multiculturalism. An article which you may have missed really brings this issue to the surface:
Here are some thoughts from Chinese leaders in Australia:

“Co-founder of the Australian Chinese for Families Association Pansy Lai said she was concerned that schemes such as the Safe Schools program, familiarising students with transgender concepts, could become compulsory if same-sex marriage were legalised. Last year, Dr Lai organised a NSW petition amassing 17,500 signatures from members of the Australian Chinese community in favour of scrapping Safe Schools, which she said promoted “in-appropriate sexual content to ¬underage children”.
She told The Australian yesterday that large numbers of the Australian Chinese community kept to a traditional view of marriage, many for reasons unrelated to religious conviction, and questioned whether there were sufficient protections for them.
“The religious people might be more bold in speaking out ... but the vast majority, regardless of religious faith, have the same conviction about traditional families,” she told The Australian.
“A family has their own cultural beliefs — and we need to respect all that. From what I can see, there is actually no adequate protection for people who express a different point of view, whether in the community or in the school ground.”
Dr Lai said Chinese grandparents and parents were concerned by the prospect of schools teaching children a view of marriage and gender that went “against their background culture”.
“We are worried that, even now in schools, whether these programs are still being pushed by individual teachers or principals, parents are already finding it really hard to have the right to say, ‘Look, we feel that this is something that is a parents’ right to teach their child and not the state’s right to impose it on them’.”

     That represents a large ethnic minority that is set to be the majority in Australia in a decade or so.

Then there is Islam:

“Islamic groups are equally concerned about same-sex marriage, with some Muslim marriage celebrants stridently opposed to homosexuality. The “Australian Muslim Marriage” Facebook page contains strongly worded posts saying that homosexuality is incompatible with the faith.
The Facebook page links to a website featuring two sheiks promoted as marriage celebrants, Sheik Bilal Dannoun and Sheik Abu Bakr Zoud, who keep to a view of marriage that “pure men are for pure women.”
But the Australian Muslim Marriage Facebook page also promotes extreme positions on marriage, including a defence of polygamy and derogatory language to describe homosexuals.
A post from July 12 features a photo of one of the first same-sex Muslim marriages in Britain, along with an accompanying story by The Independent.
The Facebook post contains the comment: “They said ‘we are going to show the whole world you can be gay and Muslim’ ... There is no such thing as being gay in Islam. It is forbidden.’’

     So, if I can still read, all that says is that there is ultra-strong opposition to the liberal view of homosexuality from large segments of the ethnic community. The same sex marriage vote could be defeated just by multicultural Australia, something the white mice of political correctness have not considered. Oh, sweet irony.

     The reason for all of this madness is that all forms of Leftism are primarily anti-White and more generally anti-Western. Hence, anything seen as undermining the people (even if the Left are of the same race and ethnicity) and traditions of the West must be destroyed because the West is by definition infinitely evil, or the new theological equivalent of Satan, as Charles Taylor describes it, in their fanatical religion. How else can all of the contradictions of leftism with multiculturalism be explained?

     Science requires the use of Occam’s razor, not to multiple hypotheses unnecessarily, and all other things being equal, to choose the simple hypothesis over a more complex one with ad hoc assumptions. The one advanced here explains all the data simply. The Left are really mad, and so is their philosophy.

     Overall, it is highly unlikely that Western societies, including Australia, can survive with the divisions that have been created. The insane protests by the Left across America well show their mentality, but they have not considered that the immigration, which they have supported, will replace them and their ideology. Leftism will be culled out by the multicult. Oh, double sweet irony. It makes it not so bad seeing everything else in the West, its traditions, literature, culture and people, destroyed, if the Left can go down as well.

     Can the Remnant rebuild one more time? If so, let us not make the same mistakes again, and allow the weeds to take root in whatever garden is grown.