Apart from the support of mass migration and open borders, the Euro-elites support Islam as the new religion of globalism, for it delivers much of what they want. No doubt they could devise something more cosmopolitan, but Islam fits well with mass immigration, so they will go with that one. In this light court decisions can be understood more readily:
“The freedom of speech does not extend to include defaming the prophet of Islam, the European Court of Human rights ruled Thursday. The Strasbourg-based ECHR ruled that insulting Islamic prophet Muhammad “goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate” and “could stir up prejudice and put at risk religious peace.” The court’s decision comes after it rejected an Austrian woman’s claim that her previous conviction for calling Muhammad a pedophile, due to his marriage to a 6-year-old girl, violated her freedom of speech. The ECHR ruled Austrian courts had “carefully balanced her right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected.”
This decision is different from the cartoons, which deliberately set out to be inflammatory, since the critique now banned is part of a legitimate intellectual critique:
I take no position of this here; I merely wish to defend the freedom of intellectual inquiry, you know, the Enlightenment and all of that, if anyone remembers it. The EU does notlike free thought, just as it does not want the nation state restricting immigration:
“The Czech prime minister has called for the return to their home countries of hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants currently in Europe, suggesting funds could be spent on a Marshall Plan to help improve African economies. “There are 700,000 illegal migrants,” Andrej Babis said in an interview with The Guardian newspaper. “They need to go home.” Babis has long railed against the implementation of EU-imposed migrant quotas, along with the leaders of neighboring Slovakia, Hungary and Poland – collectively known as the Visegrad Group. He has previously labeled the quotas “absurd” and “not effective.” At the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, approximately two million non-EU citizens were believed to be present in member states. While many of these were refugees fleeing Syria’s devastating civil war, thousands also made the journey as economic migrants from Africa. While the number of these illegals has now fallen to 618,780, according to 2017 statistics from Eurostat, Babis believes both economic migrants and refugees should return home.”
Of course, that was denounced as being “racist,’” by the chatterers and scribblers. But, what isn’t “racist” nowadays, unless one rolls on the ground, slashing one’s own body with a knife screaming, “I hate myself because of my white privilege so may the Gods of the multicult destroy me here and reduce my intrinsically racist body to ashes, and curse me for all eternity.” Meanwhile, the chattering class consider conversion:
They see the writing on the wall. Well, good for them.