I get Bob Livingston alerts via email, but I can’t find them on the internet, probably due to my ageing brain (no link in the email either). But, here is the material which is top class.  He makes the telling point that a mere five years ago, the idea that there was a controlling cabal of globalists, pushing a diabolical agenda, that involved the transformation of the human genome itself and biology, would be assigned by most people to the realm of science fiction. Yet, over the last few years, we have heard such incredible things about transhumanism, the artificial intelligence revolution and genetics, from the likes of the World Economic Forum, that the conspiracy theories of yesteryear seem rather tame. As Livingston remarks, the Covid plandemic was a test case for sampling how far the globalist elites could push in totalitarian control. They found that the key to controlling the vast masses of humanity is fear, and they would take an experimental gene therapy if it meant that they would feel “safe,” as the government and health authorities assured them. And, nothing prevents a repeat of this once more by a virus with real “teeth” this time.


“As I have noted in the past, the Western world came within a knife's edge of being completely subjugated and placed under perpetual medical tyranny by a coalition of government officials, globalist interests and corporate partners. Liberty movement analysts have talked often of "open conspiracy," but it was not until the pandemic response that we truly witnessed the mask come off and the greater agenda revealed.

Not more than five years ago the most common retort from skeptics was that such a conspiracy was "impossible" because it was "too elaborate to organize." Today these people look rather foolish. It is undeniable – There is a cabal of power elites, they are highly organized around the globalist ideology, and they want total centralized control of society. It is an immutable fact supported by endless proof. The debate is over. The COVID response ended it.

The list of crimes against civil liberties is long. The establishment and the political left (with the help of a handful of Neocons) tried to implement unprecedented authoritarian measures from business and church shutdowns to forced masking (studies show the masks are useless) to forced vaccination using experimental mRNA products with no long-term safety testing. In some countries (including New Zealand and Australia) COVID camps were actually built to imprison not just citizens traveling overseas, but non-traveling citizens as well. Legislation to build such camps was pushed in the U.S.

A large percentage of Democrats in polls supported even more extreme policies, including:

As many leftists openly admitted, the goal was to make life so difficult for the unvaccinated that they would eventually comply in order to survive. In this way, establishment elites and leftists could claim that people "volunteered" for the vaccines, and no one was forced. What they really meant was, no one was forced at gunpoint, but we all knew that this threat was coming next.

That said, the cabal is not all-powerful and certainly not infallible. They make mistakes often. The COVID agenda relied on multiple disjointed factors that were difficult to predict and most of them had to work in tandem. One of those factors was the dependency on members of the political left to act as useful idiots and mob enforcers; a tool for frightening the rest of the public into compliance. Another factor was the assumption that the response of conservative and independent free thinkers would be limited and easy to control.”