Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Children’s Health Defense have released a film, Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda, which details how the World Health Organization aimed to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation. This agenda was imposed upon people in Africa since the 1990s, where African women thought that they were being vaccinated against tetanus, but were being sterilised, without their consent. In the West, the Covid vaxxes have been seen to have impacts upon the fertility system, sperm quantity and quality, as well as menstruation issues. "No one has ever sought to determine whether they remain at the site of injection or not, or whether they disseminate throughout the body, which of course they do," Wakefield says. "So, it's a naive and completely inappropriate assumption.

The other assumption that was completely inappropriate was making any assumption at all. You're going to give this [shot] to seven billion people ... and you're going to assume something about its safety? Then you discover, after giving it to the majority of that seven billion population, that you were completely wrong.

In fact, it goes throughout the body. The spike protein can be found in tissues throughout the body, including and in particular in the ovaries. There it can set up an inflammatory reaction, autoimmunity, damage and infertility. There is no question that is biologically plausible.

So here you have the mentality of these people, that after the horse has bolted, they are trying to shut the gate. If there is going to be damage, then the damage is done and it is too late. That is totally irresponsible and people need to know that."

Of course, beyond even the fertility issue is the larger one that Dr Robert Malone and many others have warned about, that using “leaky” vaccines that do not prevent transmission of the virus, would produce the evolution of vaccine-resistant strains, as the virus strove to survive. Omicron variants BA.4 and BA.5, evades both the vax, and those having past natural immunity. The vaxxes are also resulting in immune imprinting, where vaccinated individuals contract Covid more frequently, and as shown by high-profile cases like Covid king, Dr Fauci. It is a ticking time bomb.




“In the interview above, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Mary Holland, president and general counsel for Children's Health Defense, discuss their new documentary film, "Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda," which we published yesterday.

"Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda" is Wakefield's fourth film. The first was "Who Killed Alex Spourdalakis?" followed by "Vaxxed" and "1986: The Act." This latest film details the World Health Organization's intentions to produce an anti-fertility vaccine in response to perceived overpopulation, and how such vaccines have been used without people's knowledge or consent since the mid-'90s.

"It's a very important story, and it's a story that I'd been aware of for some years," Wakefield says. "I think a lot of people heard about this intentional infertility vaccine program being conducted, primarily in women in developing countries such as Africa. But it had gone into abeyance so I hadn't paid due attention.

I should have paid more attention to it, because people had asked me over the years, 'Do you think there is a population control agenda?' ...

The allegation had been that the World Health Organization, under the guise of a neonatal tetanus prevention program, had been deliberately sterilizing women [in Kenya] — either using a vaccine to abort existing pregnancies or to prevent future pregnancies. They had done this under the guise of protecting children rather than actually reducing the population."

As explained by Wakefield, it was no secret that the WHO had been working on an anti-fertility vaccine since the 1970s.1 Papers were published, and the WHO itself even admitted it. The real issue here is that of informed consent. The WHO has been caught more than once deliberately deceiving women into thinking they were vaccinated against tetanus, when in fact they were being sterilized. This is an ethical and moral low that is hard to beat.

Covert Sterilization Campaign in the Philippines Revealed

The story detailed in this film begins in 1995, when the Kenyan government launched a WHO vaccination campaign against tetanus among women of childbearing age. Dr. Stephen K. Karanja, former chairman of the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, became suspicious of the program when he learned that involuntary sterilization programs posing as tetanus programs had occurred.

That same year, 1995, the Catholic Women's League of the Philippines actually won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries.

This anti-hCG-laced tetanus vaccine perfectly matched the anti-fertility vaccine the WHO had announced in 1993. The paper trail reveals that by 1976, WHO researchers had successfully conjugated, meaning combined or attached, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) onto tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, when given to a woman, she develops antibodies against both tetanus and hCG.

HCG is a hormone that is produced as soon as the sperm enters the egg and the embryo begins to form. In response to this signal, the woman's ovaries then produce progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term. The conjugated vaccine effectively ends and prevents pregnancy as her own immune system will immediately attack and destroy the hCG as soon as it forms.

At the time, Karanja, who passed away in 2021, convinced leaders of the Catholic Church — one of the largest health care providers in Kenya — to test the tetanus vaccine being given, to make sure there was no foul play. Without explanation, the WHO abandoned the 1995 campaign, but in 2014, they were back with a neonatal tetanus program.

A Diabolical Agenda

Girls and women, 15 to 49 years of age, were instructed to get vaccinated with a series of five injections, six months apart. Suspiciously, this is the exact schedule required for the anti-fertility vaccine to produce sterility. Regular tetanus prevention requires only one injection every five to 10 years, and under no circumstance would you need five of them.

The Catholic Church decided to test the vaccines and collected three sample vials directly from clinics during the 2014 campaign. The samples were tested by three independent laboratories and, as feared, they contained hCG. Another six vials were then collected and tested. This time, half were found to contain hCG.

When the Catholic Church went public with the findings, urging girls and women to not comply with the vaccination campaign, the Kenyan government went on the offensive, insisting there was nothing wrong with the vaccine. Wakefield says:

"They used the media to demonize the Catholic Church and insinuate there had been deliberate contamination of these samples with hCG to produce the result they wanted.

That's where it remained until — and this is where it gets really interesting and where the film really comes into its own — our cameras were invited back into the laboratory where these tests were done ... [and] the truth was revealed.

It came down to a resolution of this key question of who was lying and who was being honest? Who was cheating, who was not? It's really an extraordinary story that woke me up to the importance of this issue. There is an extraordinary prophetic statement at the end from the late Dr. Karanja, OBGYN from Africa. who was at the heart of all of this.

He said, 'When they are finished with Africa they're coming for you' ... That's probably a pertinent place to hand over to Mary, because never could a prophecy have been more apt, more true."

Depopulation Agenda Is Now a Conspiracy Fact

Holland continues:

"It's been very hard to answer ... when people would ask us, 'Is there a depopulation agenda?' People would point to things Bill Gates said, like how vaccines would reduce the population. There was an interpretation that it was going to make people healthier, and therefore they would choose not to have more children.

It was murky. I think this film really helps us understand that this is not a conspiracy theory. It's an absolute reality ... The film makes that 100% clear. There's just no question about it. And you see the deceit and deception. Just to point out, the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court that most countries of the world have signed onto ... makes forced sterilization a war crime.

This is not a trivial thing, to deprive people of informed consent and to sterilize them. That's exactly what happened. One of the interviews in the film that is so poignant is of a woman who cannot carry a pregnancy to term. She comes to realize that she has antibodies to hCG, and she realizes that somebody, somewhere, made her infertile. It is, as she calls it, a diabolical agenda ...

We can now look back at what happened with the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, which I co-wrote a book about in 2018. One of the things we saw was that ... the teen pregnancy rate dropped 50% from 2007 to 2018 — 50%! Now, whatever one wants to think about unplanned pregnancies, that is a staggering drop over 10 years.

People were reporting extreme reproductive effects from the HPV vaccine. Now we're hearing the same thing, only much more so, with respect to COVID shots. We're hearing that women are having miscarriages, babies are literally dying from breastfeeding mothers who have been recently vaccinated.

Congenital deformities are being reported to the vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS). It's now, I think, beyond the realm of conspiracy theory to say it is very plausible that these vaccines that are being pushed on the world — particularly the COVID shots — have strong anti-fertility effects."

Is There Such a Thing as Vaccine Safety?

It's important to realize that no study has ever proven that any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule are safe, especially when given in various combinations. As noted by Wakefield, vaccine manufacturers and people like Dr. Anthony Fauci present "an almost kindergarten-like approach" to safety.

The blanket statement given is that vaccines in general, and the COVID shots in particular, are "safe and effective," and that they have no adverse effects on reproduction and fertility. This, despite the fact they've done no reproductive studies at all.

Women who hear such assurances will assume the necessary studies HAVE been done when, in fact, that's a complete lie. The reality is, you cannot find evidence of harm if you're not looking for it. Another reality is that assumptions and guesses about science are not the same as scientific evidence. One major assumption that has now turned out to be completely wrong is that the mRNA injection stays in the deltoid muscle, the site of injection.

"No one has ever sought to determine whether they remain at the site of injection or not, or whether they disseminate throughout the body, which of course they do," Wakefield says. "So, it's a naive and completely inappropriate assumption.

The other assumption that was completely inappropriate was making any assumption at all. You're going to give this [shot] to seven billion people ... and you're going to assume something about its safety? Then you discover, after giving it to the majority of that seven billion population, that you were completely wrong.

In fact, it goes throughout the body. The spike protein can be found in tissues throughout the body, including and in particular in the ovaries. There it can set up an inflammatory reaction, autoimmunity, damage and infertility. There is no question that is biologically plausible.

So here you have the mentality of these people, that after the horse has bolted, they are trying to shut the gate. If there is going to be damage, then the damage is done and it is too late. That is totally irresponsible and people need to know that."

Wakefield further points out that no clinical trial for any of the vaccines on the childhood vaccination schedule has ever been tested against a true placebo. All have used active placebos, such as an aluminum injection or another vaccine, which effectively hides most of the adverse effects.

Interestingly, in some of the COVID jab trials, they actually used a completely inert placebo (although some vaccine makers used another vaccine). But then note what happened. Before the trial was over, they unblinded everyone and offered the jab to everyone in the placebo group, effectively eradicating the control group altogether! Then, they tried to bury the data under red tape for 75 years. Thankfully, a sensible judge didn't let them get away with it. Wakefield says:

"They [Pfizer] knew there were problems. They had identified the problems doing the appropriate study, at least to start with, until they gave the placebo group the vaccine, eliminating the opportunity to assess long-term safety. Then they tried to hide the data because they knew it revealed the seriousness of the adverse reactions to their vaccine. The court overruled them and now those data are being analyzed, and they are terrifying."

Stunning Abdication of Science

What's worse, government has incentivized ignorance under the law. They have incentivized not knowing what the long-term effects are. Holland adds:

"What's particularly stunning, in terms of the absolute abdication from science, is that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said it's perfectly fine to co-administer the COVID shots with everything else on the childhood schedule. That is going to have untold horrific likely effects ...

Most pediatricians will say 'Hey, the CDC says it's fine' ... They are going to be co-administering these shots with other things, and there is no science to back that up. None."

Unfortunately, the future looks grim in this regard, as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is now considering a "Future Framework" in which vaccine makers will be allowed to reformulate and release future COVID shots without any additional testing. Clinical trials are easy to rig to begin with, but now they won't even have to go through the trouble of fabricating desired results.

"And, of course there will be harmful effects on fertility," Holland says. "I think it's becoming very clear that we just have to reject all of this. It is corrupted to its core. It's anti-human, I mean it's truly anti-human. I think the reality that we're in is becoming clearer."

A Hopeful Note

Wakefield adds:

"To follow-up on that, a note of hope ... People coming to this anew may think that we're in a terribly dark time. I see it differently, having been in this now for 30 years. When I started out, a handful of people around the world were prepared to debate the thorny issue of vaccine safety.

Now I read the other day that 70% of American adults have rejected the CDC's recommended protocol for the COVID vaccine. They either didn't get the first dose, they didn't get the second dose, or they have refused to get the boosters, saying this is neither necessary nor is it safe.

Those people — 70% of American adults — according to mainstream media are anti-vaxxers. So, whether they know it or not, they've joined our team and the other side has lost.

This is a desperate, desperate measure; one hail Mary pass after another, and it's failing very, very badly. For those of you who have not seen it from an historical perspective, take heart, because the world really is waking up in an extraordinary way ...

The silver lining of the dark cloud of COVID is that it has woken so many people ... There is an inevitability to what is happening here, and they will not get away with it for very much longer."

We've Allowed the Creation of an Anti-Human World

As for those who insist they have no objections to childhood vaccines, only the COVID jab, Wakefield warns just about every vaccine safety advocate began by objecting to a single vaccine or single ingredient before realizing it isn't that simple:

"We all came to the collective realization that this was far more complex than we had previously imagined. They were making it more and more complex by the year, adding more vaccines into the schedule, lumping them all together. As Mary said, the idea of these vaccines being safe in combination was one they'd never tested but merely assumed to be safe ...

We came to the realization that it is some cumulative toxicity, some interactive effect, some potentiation that is leading to this massive increase in, for example, neurodevelopmental or immunological disorders.

Had we been allowed to continue the research, any of us, all of us, we would have answers now. But we don't have answers because the work was sabotaged at every turn, and now we are living in a state of greater ignorance than we were before.

We're now living in a world of man-made diseases. It's absolutely staggering. None of this need ever have happened, and yet here we are with all of these new conditions or new variants on an old theme, like regressive autism, that we did not see before. That is something that man has created.

Just as easily man could get rid of it if we took the initiative. That's what, collectively, we have to do, and that's what Children's Health Defense is doing. They're alerting people to this, waking them up, and it's working."

In addition to learning about the dangers of vaccines, people are also starting to learn more about other environmental toxins — pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), air pollution, water pollution, artificial foods, hormone-mimicking plastic chemicals and more, all of which have adverse effects on health and reproductive capacity.

"I think most humans want to live in a pro-human environment," Holland says. "And I think the corporate government world we're in right now is genuinely anti-human."

The Scale of Harm Is Staggering

While VAERS is the only publicly available database collecting adverse vaccine reactions, the U.S. government has at least 10 other adverse event reporting systems that they're not sharing data from.

Children's Health Defense is filing Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for the other systems to get a better idea of the scale of harms, but VAERS and anecdotal reports alone suggest the scale of injuries and deaths is enormous. Data from insurance companies around the world also confirm this. Holland notes:

"In 2021, from one life insurance company in the United States, an Indiana company, we know that 18 to 64 year olds suffered a 40% excess death rate. They said a 10% shift would be a 1 in 200-year occurrence. A 40% shift is beyond catastrophic, and that's what we're looking at. These are secrets that can't be hidden."

Panafrican Congress Is Pushing Back

Another piece of positive news is that a Panafrican Congress that was recently convened is starting to push back against the WHO. And, if the WHO were to be banned from a continent like Africa, it would be game over for them. Holland explains:

"The WHO is following a two-track course to get to what they say, in 2024, will be a new international treaty, which basically will put the WHO at the center of global health and de facto governance. One track was through U.S.-proposed international health regulations.

The U.S. proposed 12 regulations in December 2021 that would put the WHO at the center of these things and put in place very draconian regulations that would allow the WHO to supersede any decisions at the national government level. In a vote on those new international health regulation amendments, 47 African countries rejected all of them.

Africa really led the way in saying 'No, we don't trust the WHO, we don't want the WHO in this role.' That's very exciting because Africa absolutely has been exploited in every which way by the WHO and their pharmaceutical industry partners. But, I don't think the WHO agenda is dead. We still have a lot of work to do.

We did have on June 18 an African sovereignty coalition launch, which you can see on the Children's Health Defense TV website. There were activists, advocates, physicians, scientists from all over Africa, and then supporters from around the world. It's very exciting. I think Africa is sending a message loud and clear we will not put up with this ...

We'll take it one day at a time, but I believe the WHO and its backers will fail, and certainly many people around the world, Children's Health Defense included, are working on lawsuits to prove there's fraud going on here, this is criminal activity. Certainly, the authorization for young children is a criminal act.

We're going to amend the lawsuit we have, which is to contest the jabs for 5 to 11-year-olds that the FDA authorized. We'll just amend that for these younger children. This is devastating, this is a crime against humanity. There is no justification for young children getting these shots. They are not at risk of serious injury or death from COVID, but they certainly are at risk from these shots."

Can the Judicial System Be Trusted?

Speaking of lawsuits, many legal actions over the past two years have failed, but Holland, who is the general counsel for Children's Health Defense, is optimistic, because courts tend to shift with public opinion. She's noticed courts are becoming increasingly receptive to the notion that there may be fraud going on with the COVID jabs, and that conflicts of interest play a role.

For example, two judges in New York who were assigned to cases she was representing were recently forced to recuse themselves, after it became known they owned between $50,000 and $500,000 in Pfizer stock.

"I think we're likely to see many more successful lawsuits going forward in the next two years than in the last two years," she says. "I think the population is coming to understand that there are conflicts of interest that prevent these people from being unbiased.

I think it's a question of time, and I think we're in a race against time, but I do believe that lawsuits are likely to be more successful as time goes on and I think we're already seeing that. We struck down the OSHA mandate, we struck down the mask mandates in airline transportation, we got access to the Pfizer documents. I think there's more good news coming from the courts, I really do."

The home run, judicially speaking, would be if we could prove vaccine makers committed fraud or "willful misconduct," as that would eliminate all of their protections against prosecution and liability. The COVID jabs are authorized for emergency use under the 2005 PREP Act — which Holland believes is unconstitutional — and under that law, willful misconduct must be proven by "clear and convincing evidence."

"I believe that at this point we're getting very, very close to that threshold where we can prove willful misconduct by clear and convincing evidence," she says.

"At that point, I think it will be clear to the whole population that it's the liability protection on the back end and the mandates at the front end that makes this whole enterprise possible. I think there are serious attacks on both of those, and by the time the whole truth comes out, the whole vaccine paradigm disappears.

I think it's in our sights, I really do. I think the health of the unvaccinated is overwhelmingly superior to the health of the vaccinated, and that story's coming out. Children's Health Defense is coming out with a book this fall by Dr. Brian Hooker and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., about the science showing how much healthier unvaccinated people are.

I think the truth is coming out, and I think the stakes are very high for the next couple years. But I really do believe that at the end of these couple years we will be in a whole new paradigm of vaccines and health. People have seen enough about the bad side of COVID shots that they are now open to this. I think we're likely to see a sea change."

In closing, if you didn't watch the film yesterday, set aside 30 minutes to do it now. And, be sure to watch it all the way to the end. The final 10 minutes include an update on the Kenya story, a review of what happened with the HPV vaccine, and an overview of what we know about the COVID shots' potential impacts on fertility. It's important to realize that this depopulation agenda didn't begin and end in Kenya. It's happening worldwide.

More Movies Are Coming

Wakefield's fifth film is already in preproduction and should be ready for release next year. This one will be a full-length narrative feature about the childhood vaccination schedule. It was co-written by Terry Rossio, who also wrote "Shrek," "Pirates of the Caribbean," "Aladdin" and other well-known movie productions.

"It's a very powerful film, it will really move the mindset," Wakefield says. "It will take those who have been awoken by the issue of COVID vaccines across the bridge from the adult vaccine schedule to the realization that this has been happening in the childhood vaccine schedule since the very beginning. It's a very, very important film."




“By now, many of you will be familiar with Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of the core mRNA and DNA vaccine platform technology1 that the various COVID shots are based upon. (To be clear, he’s not the inventor of the COVID shots themselves but rather the foundational platform that underlies them, for which Malone holds several patents.)

Malone rose to prominence after his appearance on the DarkHorse podcast2 in June 2021, where he, Steve Kirsch and DarkHorse host Bret Weinstein, Ph.D., spent three hours dissecting the COVID fraud. Interestingly, Malone and Kirsch were both double-jabbed before realizing there were problems with the shots, but once they did, they boldly stepped into the limelight to warn and inform others.

Malone also appeared on the Joe Rogan podcast3 December 30, 2021, which ended up being the most-viewed podcast of all time with some 50 million views. The transcript of that interview was even entered into the Congressional Record4 January 3, 2022, by Congressman Troy Nehls, R-Texas, after Twitter and YouTube removed it from their platforms.

Malone also helped promote the work of Dr. Matthias Desmet, a clinical psychologist at the University of Gantt in Belgium and author of “The Psychology of Totalitarianism.” Desmet was the first to introduce the concept of “mass formation” to explain how and why people were going along with a narrative that was clearly false and evidently destructive. 

Like so many others who have tried to share truth and opinions that differ from the official COVID narrative, myself included, Malone has been viciously attacked by media and relentlessly “fact checked.” Alas, with the passage of time, his wisdom and knowledge are now being validated on a near-daily basis.

“I would say we've been gaslighted, ridiculed, defamed — but I don't think we've been discredited,” he says. “I think we could both hold our heads up high. We've called it amazingly well.

I'm just in the middle of reviewing and building the chapters for the book that has to do with what's gone wrong with the HHS [Health and Human Services] and what we need to fix, which includes a litany of things that have been miscalled by the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention].

The list is enormous. And we continue to see on a daily basis the weaponization of fear porn, the two most recent examples being the monkeypox and the Omicron BA.4 [and] BA.5.”

Immune Imprinting Is Making the Vaxxed Sicker

As noted by Malone, media are again trying to drum up fear porn, despite data clearly showing hospitalization rates remain steady even though the infection rate is rising. They’re also ignoring what Malone and others warned about from the start, which is that vaccinating during a pandemic is a beyond foolish strategy as it is virtually guaranteed to drive the evolution of resistant strains.

This is precisely what we’re now seeing with BA.4 and BA.5, which circumvent both natural immunity and COVID jab-induced antibodies. The CDC and the Food and Drug Administration are also ignoring the reality of immune imprinting, which Malone says is backed by more than 10 high-end, highly visible peer reviewed journals.

“We're literally driving the highly vaccinated to an immune compromised state in which they're more susceptible to infection by Omicron — as a consequence of their prior vaccination — and they are becoming chronically or multiply infected,” Malone says.

“This is precisely the situation that's been shown in peer reviewed literature to be driving the development of the further development of the escape mutants. So, our public policies are completely contrary to the need here. I'm speechless concerning the mismatch between what our government promotes and what the true public health need is.”

Is Malone Controlled Opposition?

In scanning through the comments on my newsletter, I’ve noticed that some people are convinced Malone is controlled opposition. Considering that he’s the developer of the mRNA technology that underlies the jabs, and the fact that he’s been double-jabbed himself, and has worked extensively with the Deep State intelligence community, Malone believes his current actions speak for themselves:

“I have historically worked with people who have been truly Deep State intelligence community. I have decades of experience in biodefense. I have been deep in the belly of the beast. I have won literally billions of dollars for my clients in grants and contracts. I have managed hundreds of millions of dollars in grants and contracts in the vaccine space.

[I’ve been] ... study section chair or key study section member on many hundred-plus million-dollar contract reviews, typically for the NIH [National Institutes of Health] ... but also DOD [Department of Defense]. I historically been deeply embedded in this whole enterprise. I know it upside down.

I understand this system. So, I think the concerns that I could be controlled opposition are valid. I think that it's appropriate to acknowledge the basis for those concerns. Now, [those] concerns, I think, are refuted by my behaviors and actions.

Let's start with the inventions. I have many patents. I've contributed to the development of many technologies. My wife and I helped found Inovia, the post electrical field gene delivery company that is promoting its own vaccine technology, which is a DNA-based platform and could well be adapted to RNA-based vaccines.

I certainly have those nine initial issued patents and others that relate to virtually any delivery system used to administer polynucleotides to the nasal pharynx, to mucosal tissues, to elicit a mucosal immune response ... I have many patents on various [nano] lipids, these positively charged fats that are used to deliver the polynucleotides, but I'm also an objective scientist.

As a consequence of the decades of experience in basic discovery research in this area, we've turned away from this technology because we could never overcome the inflammatory problems, this acute immune response and the recruitment of inflammatory cells into the injected tissues. We ran into this again and again and again, both in mice and then in monkeys, and could never overcome it. We abandoned the technology.”

Malone Explains the Patent Controversy

Malone goes on to explain the origin of the patent controversy — why some claim he didn’t actually invent the mRNA platform the COVID jabs are using, and why the technology was used at all if it had already been abandoned due to excessive hazards:

“Kati Karikó called me up in the mid-‘90s and wanted some advice. I told her about the problems with the RNA and the problems with the inflammatory response and, together with Drew Weissman, she applied the pseudouridine discoveries that were just emerging and put pseudouridine all the way through the RNA, which is both immunosuppressive and increases the half life of the RNA.

So, these RNAs that are now being used are really nothing like the natural RNA. They're synthetic product. The basis for their assertion that they're the true inventors and I am not — despite all the prior art and multiple patents — is that they made this improvement on the art that was enabling.

[However], the CureVac technology demonstrates that's not enabling, that, in fact, you can get good immune responses with mRNA that does not include pseudouridine. But I had turned away from the tech. There were better ways to provide an immune response, I believed. Those are still investigational.

Talking about eyes wide open, I have intimate understanding of the good, the bad and the ugly of this approach and this technology. That's always been my position — that of an objective scientist. Then, on the last point on this, I never received substantial revenue of any kind from my inventions.

The patents were filed from a company that's now called Vical that had partnered with Merck years ago. Over a billion dollars were spent to advance the technology. Merck and Vical only focused on the DNA and they failed.

But as a consequence of the terms of my employment, I received — in addition to my technician salary, which was about $20,000 a year — $1 for all those patents. I've had no patent royalty. So, I have no financial conflict of interest here. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.

What matters is integrity and honesty and truthfulness ... Let me put it this way ... I was in a dark room, I backed into the light switch, and what I saw was such that I could never unsee it.”

On Malone’s CIA Connections

Malone was also, once upon a time, in business with a former CIA agent named Michael Callahan, who held a senior position in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). Callahan was in Wuhan, China, in the fourth quarter of 2019 and called Malone in early January 2020, asking him to get a team together to address a novel virus that had broken out in China.

“I had a series of interactions with him subsequently, until I became completely disillusioned and aware that he was lying to me almost constantly, including about things like whether or not the pathogen was engineered. So, I think I can certainly empathize, and understand why some might have these concerns ...

[But] I don't ask people to accept what I say, I ask people to think for themselves. I've tried to be truthful, honest, act with integrity, provide access to information, try to help people to think through things by themselves, and I've made a number of predictions and comments and analyses and, like you, I stand by what I've said.

So even if I was controlled opposition, that's kind of irrelevant. The question is not who I am; the question is what is the information? Is it useful to you? Is it helping you to manage your own affairs, make conformed choices about vaccinating your children? If so, I think that even if I was controlled opposition, I suspect that I'm fairly useful controlled opposition for those of us that are in this boat together of seeking truth ...

Frankly, all of my contacts with the government now are destroyed. The colleagues that I used to communicate with regularly at the FDA will no longer take my call ... I've dropped my contract with Defense Threat Reduction Agency.

Largely I just became disillusioned with them, particularly after I found out that another branch of DTRA is continuing to support the Wuhan Institute of Virology and disclose that.

I shared a number of fragments of information about what I know that's been going on within DTRA, as well as within NIAID [National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] and the NIH. In doing so, I compromised that part of my career. I've thrown away, for the second time by the way, a big career path that I've developed over decades.”

Malone’s COVID Jab Experience

Malone also discusses his reasoning for taking the COVID shots. He needed to travel, and thought the shot might be helpful for his “long-COVID,” which he developed after contracting the infection early on in the pandemic.

Unfortunately, like so many others, he suffered a series of complications, particularly after the second dose, including cardiac damage resulting in hypertension with a frequent systolic pressure of up to 230, narcolepsy, central nervous brain fog, restless leg and several other symptoms now known to be associated with the shot.

When he later looked up his batch number on HowBadIsMyBatch.com,5 he discovered his second dose was from a batch associated with a high rate of complications. “So that's that. We all make mistakes. I acknowledge now [that taking the vaccine] was absolutely not the proper way to approach this,” he says.

Dr. Meryl Nass, who has since lost her medical license for the crime of talking about COVID treatments, was instrumental in actually curing Malone’s long-COVID. She prescribed ivermectin, which gave him near-immediate relief. “So, tip of the hat to Meryl Nass, a true truth warrior and another inspirational figure in all of this,” Malone says.

Pseudouridine-Enhanced RNA Can Cause Immunosuppression

In the interview, Malone delves into some of the mRNA jab quality control problems that have arisen, and whether or not the addition of pseudouridine actually reduces the inflammatory reaction associated with mRNA gene therapy as claimed.

As explained earlier, Karikó — a former Hungarian spy — had sought Malone’s help, and he told her about the problems with the RNA he was finding. Karikó and Weissman — a post-doc of Dr. Anthony Fauci — then went on to experiment with the addition of pseudouridine, which we now know influences things like RNA stability, folding, processing and splicing. It's highly regulated, but that wasn't known at the time.

What was known was that if RNAs include pseudouridine, they will last much longer and be far less inflammatory. Basically, immune responses against cells that have pseudouridine-modified mRNA in them are suppressed. On the basis of that, Karikó and Weissman incorporated pseudouridine throughout the entire mRNA molecule, which were synthesized using the methods Malone developed, and then purified.

When this product was injected, they got a better adaptive immune response and less inflammatory response. This is the science that the COVID shots are based on. However, recent investigations, using needle biopsies, have shown RNA persists in axillar lymph nodes for at least 60 days. They didn’t test any longer than that, so it could be far longer. The levels of spike protein produced was also found to be far higher than expected and lasted for at least 60 days.

“So, what we now know is that pseudouridinee can cause RNA to behave in ways that are absolutely not like natural RNA, as I had originally proposed,” Malone says. “The RNA is typically degraded within a couple of hours, so if people were to have adverse events, the inciting molecule would be gone and physicians could elect not to readminister it.

But in the current formulation with the pseudouridine incorporated throughout the entire backbone of the RNA, which is something that never happens in a natural situation, they do suppress the acute inflammatory response, but they also seem to suppress overall adaptive immune responses or immune function.

This may be something that's contributing to the immunosuppression that's observed after dosing with these products. That's unresolved, but there's no question that adverse event exists, that nonspecific immunosuppression.

So, we have now ... lots of evidence that the discovery of Karikó and Weissman had negative aspects to it, which were not well characterized by Pfizer, Moderna, BioNTech, et cetera.”

Malone also reviews other ingredients and quality control issues that can contribute to a “hot,” or more lethal batch, so to learn more, be sure to listen to the interview in its entirety. For example, he reviews the problem of aggregation, the toxicity of PEG, and how fatigue may be related to the fact that spike protein is not merely attached to cell surfaces but actually poison the mitochondria.

He also admits there may be some truth to claims that graphene oxide is being used, although he still hasn’t seen any conclusive proof. “Initially, I thought that was crazy talk, but the unwillingness of the pharmaceutical companies to disclose their ingredients, which is just mind boggling — that's completely contrary to anything I've ever encountered in any teaching I've ever had about regulated products — so, there's something amiss here. There's no question,” he says.

Upcoming Fall Trivalent Jab Will Likely Be More Dangerous

The FDA recently approved a new trivalent COVID jab for fall 2022, which won’t be going through any additional testing, even though it will be a brand-new composition to cover some of the newer strains. I fear this will radically increase side effects, as does Malone.

“The trivalent story goes back to the logic of influenza vaccines ... Reasoning by analogy, apparently, the FDA and the CDC have now concurred that a similar strategy shall be taken for these unlicensed experimental use authorized products that have produced an adverse event signal like no vaccine in history — which they deny — and are clearly not stopping infection replication and spread of the viruses.

What they've decided is they're going to now use the flu model, which will enable them to continue the manufacturing process, which, as we've just discussed, is poorly characterized, not really adequately provided with oversight, and [has poor] lot consistency.

We know from the ‘How Bad Is My Batch’ analysis, the lot consistency is horrid. But that's all apparently OK. And, one antigen is good so let's go to three. The problem is multifaceted.

Typically, when you do this, you maintain approximately the same dose of each antigen, so that would be, in the case of Pfizer, we're going to go from 50 to 150 micrograms of RNA in a jab. Let's hope they don't do that. But even if they only double the dose, then we know that the adverse events are going to go up considerably.”

‘Mass Psychosis at Its Worst’

Malone also questions the underlying thesis and science of this endeavor. The idea is that by continuing to administer the Wuhan-1 spike and adding BA.4 and BA.5, which evolved to evade antibodies to the Wuhan-1 strain, they’re ignoring the peer reviewed literature, which is extensive, showing that immune imprinting (aka “antigenic sin”) is occurring.

In fact, immune imprinting is part of why flu shots have such poor efficacy. In a nutshell, if you had COVID, or got the jab, your immune system is biased toward the original Wuhan strain, to the exclusion of others. Omicron and later variants have evolved to exploit that bias, which is why jabbed individuals are now getting sick with COVID more often than the unjabbed, and suffer repeated reinfections.

“We have created a situation in which they have to keep getting vaccinated, I guess. That's the logic being promoted by the CDC. We have to keep vaccinating them at frequent intervals because the vaccination is damaging their ability to control infection of these escape [strains].

And now the CDC and the FDA have signed off on the idea of a trivalent vaccine that I couldn't have imagined a better design if I wanted to, to drive this immune imprinting phenomena and make people less able to resist Omicron infection, because it includes Wuhan-1 plus two Omicron strains.

It is exactly the opposite of what's needed. It is Geert Vanden Bossche’s worst nightmare, and they are doing it blindly without even bothering to read the peer reviewed literature that describes this. This is insanity. It is mass psychosis at its worst,” Malone says.

“There is a lot of very deep, complex immunology associated with what we've been doing to people all over the world, and it involves every single facet of this product, the lipids themselves, the formulations, the structure of the RNA and the payload that's being expressed.

Each of them is associated with their own profile of adverse events. That is clearly seen in the early Moderna data ... In the Phase 1 data of their influenza vaccine product using the same tech, at the 100-mcg dose, 80% of the subjects had Grade 2 or Grade 3 adverse events. That's the formulations and the same RNA chemistry but no spike protein. That shows it's not just the spike [that causes adverse events].

This has got to go down in history as one of the most profound failures of regulatory science in the 20th and 21st century, and the craven cowardice of the FDA regulatory authority to address this has, I think, all over the world, led to a recognition that the FDA has been captured by the pharmaceutical industry.

It is profoundly corrupt and has to be completely rebuilt. The damage that's been done to the reputation of the American regulatory process, globally, is profound. As I had suggested, almost two years ago, if they continue on this path they are going to destroy the entire regulatory process, as well as any faith that anyone ever had in the vaccine enterprise. And here we are ...

If there's a silver lining here, I think it's that, for many of us, including myself, who had bought into the system, the experience is so powerful that it is opening eyes everywhere. I'm now completely in the same camp as Bobby Kennedy, in that I believe the entire vaccine enterprise needs to be revisited, and it's unequivocal.

We do not have the data to support the safety and efficacy of the current pediatric vaccine schedule, and all of the components of the pediatric vaccine schedule need to be reassessed for risk benefit ratio. Both as individual products and as combined products.”

More Information

Malone will release his first book, “Lies My Government Told Me” in September 2022,  If you want to know what he knows, or fret about how we will ever rectify the wrongs uncovered, you’ll want to read this book. You can also follow Malone’s work on GETTRmaloneinstitute.orgrwmalonemd.com and Substack.

I firmly believe his GETTR account is the must-follow site if you want to keep current on the pandemic nonsense. I read it nearly every day and nearly always find new and important updates there first.

“It's hard to see a way forward that is not rather bleak in the world that's being envisioned by these unelected corporatist powers, these public-private partnerships, that seek to control our lives in every facet and aspect,” Malone says.

“But having focused on this now for many months, in part out of necessity because I had to finish the book, I'm starting to see a path forward, and recent Supreme Court decisions ... are giving me hope.

I think that partnership between attorneys ... organizations that are more constitutionalist in their framing and background, together with people that are knowledgeable about the inner workings of the administrative state and HHS, offers opportunity ...

Also, I think it's reasonable that all of us need to start thinking about intentional communities, about how we can build local sustainable community capabilities ... Those of us that are awake need to really think hard about preparing ourselves, not overreacting, but being a prepper ...

There are forces at play here that this whole public health thing is just a facade, a ruse. I'm completely convinced the reason why so many of these policies make no sense from a public health standpoint is they're not about public health ...

The evidence that a lot of this is being manipulated, hence the fear porn, is overwhelming in my opinion, and I cannot reconcile the abundant examples of public health mismanagement and misalignment between the need and the policies unless I account for the underlying financial agendas, geopolitical power agendas that are in play right now.

And I think that those of us who are still committed to integrity and dignity and community need to circle the wagons and think through how to prepare for a future in which all of these agendas are coming to fruition. They're coming to a head and we better be ready for them.”