A link to the Covid Royal Commission Inquiry is given below, with presentations by Professor Ian Brighthope (extract below), Dr Julie Sladden, and human rights lawyer Peter Fam, and lawyer Julian Gillespie. Present are members of the Institute of Public Affairs, Graham Young of the Australian Institute for Progress, Dr Scott Prasser, and Senators Antic and Malcolm Roberts. All believe that what happened during Covid was a grave injustice and that justice needs to be served. Agreed.




MB. BS., Dip.Ag.Sci., FACNEM.

Fellow Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine

Opening Statement: Legal and Constitutional Affairs Reference Committee.

Covid Royal Commission


My name is Ian Ernest Brighthope. I graduated in medicine and surgery from Monash University in 1974. In 1978 I established a medical practice in Hampton, Victoria and subsequently 3 other treatment centres. In 1982 I became a co-founder and the founding president of the Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine (ACNEM). I remained as president for the next 26 years. The College has continued to train medical practitioners in Nutritional and Environmental Medicine to Fellowship standard for the past 39 years. The training involves the scientifically based use of diet, nutrition and complementary medicines (vitamins, minerals and herbal medicines etc) for the prevention and treatment of all human conditions and diseases, including degenerative diseases, infectious diseases and mental illness. Intravenous therapies are an integral part of the training.

Pandemic Management

The lockdowns, masking, social distancing, hygiene, testing, tracking and tracing were introduced based on flawed science. This approach is essentially ineffective, dangerous to the health of the population, extremely costly and is a reflection of the failure to fully research, train in, understand, plan and manage infectious diseases. Waiting and hoping for effective, safe vaccines and antiviral drugs has proven to be farcical. The question must be asked 'are we going to continue to wait for vaccines and drugs when the next, and possibly highly lethal virus strikes? Are they going to be ineffective and unsafe? Already a new and very dangerous virus has been created in a lab and directed at the human ACE receptor, killing 100% of the experimental animals. The best way to manage a pandemic is to ensure everyone has the best defences and a strong immune system as described below. Here, individuality is crucial because a one size fits all approach is doomed to failure.

The Human Immune System

Currently, the innate strength of the human immune system is completely ignored by the medical profession. It is the most powerful defence we have against coronaviruses, influenza and virtually every other pathogenic microbe.The function of the immune system depends mostly on the individual's genetic make-up, co-morbidities and nutritional status. It's the basic building blocks of amino acids, fatty acids, fat and water soluble vitamins, minerals and trace elements such as zinc and selenium that determine how powerful the immune system will respond to an infectious agent such, as a virus, bacteria or fungus. Any deficiency or imbalance of a single critical nutrient will weaken the response and permit invasion, infection, multiple organ damage, severe disease and death. All of this has been completely ignored by the authorities, despite many attempts to speak with them at the highest levels of government.

The Practice of Nutritional Medicine

Doctors practicing nutritional medicine understand how important the diet, nutritional supplementation and the elimination of excesses such as sugar, alcohol and saturated fats are at preventing most diseases. For decades now, nutritional medicine (NM) experts have been quietly defeating infectious diseases especially when orthodox medicine has failed. They have been successfully preventing and treating influenza, severe herpes simplex, coronavirus infections, intractable bacterial infections and pneumonia for over 5 decades using nutrients that are essential for improving the immune response and suppressing the viral load, including killing the viruses responsible.

Nutritional Immunology

The experience gained from the use of High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C (HDIVC) and many other nutrients in the prevention of infectious diseases became practical testimony to the scientific literature supporting the clinical use of nutritional immunology. This despite the fact that the general medical profession preferred to ignore the science and insist only on the evidence of randomised studies limited to the use of pharmaceuticals. From the early 1980's, over 200,000 HDIVC infusions were given to patients during numerous influenza outbreaks and other serious conditions. Severely Ill patients suffering from Swine Flu and placed on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO- extracorporeal Life Support) and who were destined to pass away, have been saved using HDIVC.


The principles for the management of Covid-19 patients are the same as for any acute severe viral respiratory infection as the treatment is non-specific and immuno-supportive. The successful management of Covid in many centres around the world since the outbreak of the pandemic has been achieved using nutraceuticals such as vitamins C, D and Zinc and including the repurposed medications Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

The CD-ZINC Campaign

January 2020 saw the commencement of the 'CD-Zinc Campaign'. It consisted of public health recommendations for the entire population to take Vitamins C and D and the trace element Zinc, the most critical, effective, safe and readily available nutrients for optimal immunity and personal virus control. The government could have subsidised them at a fraction the cost of the pandemic lock-downs and vaccines. The entire population could have continued living as normal following a short sharp lockdown if necessary.

All infections significantly impact on vitamin C levels due to enhanced inflammation and metabolic requirements. Supplementation with vitamin C both prevents and treats respiratory and systemic infections. The most important supplements are oral vitamin D, oral and injectable vitamin C and zinc. The proper use of vitamin D by taking the blood levels of the entire population to 120 and preferably 150 nmol/L will remediate deficiency and protect everyone against severe illness and death.

Vitamin C has many functions for COVID-19 prevention and treatment, including the above mentioned complications. Vitamin C can reduce the incidence and severity of all viral infections. Vitamin C increases white blood cell activity, reduces the replication of viruses, increases the production of interferons, enhances killer and helper cell proliferation and increases antibody formation. It is a very powerful antioxidant that protects cells and tissues. Its anti-viral effects have been demonstrated in influenza, herpes viruses, pox viruses and coronaviruses. Vitamin C can ameliorate the hyperoxia-induced Acute Lung Injury and attenuate hyperoxia-induced white blood cell dysfunction. Vitamin C prevents the cytokine surge damaging the lungs. Vitamin C eliminates alveolar fluid by preventing the activation and accumulation of neutrophils, which are specialised white blood cells. It is thus close to being the ideal agent for prevention and treatment of Covid.

High dose intravenous Vitamin C (HDIVC) is instrumental in recovery from influenza and ARDS and other serious complications of serious viral infections. Patients on life support (ECMO) with a poor prognosis have been rapidly and successfully recovered using HDIVC, with no evidence of lung fibrosis . IV Vitamin C use in septic shock reduces mortality. Septic shock occurs in very sick Covid patients. It also reduces the length of stay in ICU and significantly shortens the duration of mechanical ventilation. It probably also helps to reduce the damage caused by intubation. HDIVC does not cause kidney stones or kidney damage, a pathetic excuse used by opponents to justify refusal to use the treatment. A rare side effect is preventable break down of some red blood cells.

Vitamin D is the sunlight vitamin. When ultraviolet light falls on the skin, it manufactures a precursor of vitamin D that passes to the liver then kidneys that then make active vitamin D; more accurately a hormone called calcitriol. Deficiency of vitamin D results in rickets in children, bone disease in adults such as osteomalacia and a greatly weakened immune system. Deficiencies are associated with increased cancers and neurological disorders. Incidentally, cod liver oil is a rich source of vitamin D. It was used extensively for children in the past during winters to protect against colds and flus. This 'sunlight' Vitamin is essential for strong anti-infective immunity. Lack of exposure to sunlight in winter increases the prevalence of Vitamin D insufficiency/deficiency as does living further away from the equator, indoor existence and the minimisation of skin exposure to the sun with clothing. The seasonal increase in Vitamin D deficiency amplifies the risk from respiratory viruses, including the Covid-19 coronavirus. This is one of the main reasons we see these infections in winter and early spring. Lockdowns reduce the population exposure to sunlight thus increasing susceptibility.

Clinical Trials on Vitamin D A large number of clinical trials of vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of acute respiratory tract infections have been conducted over the last 2 decades. Many randomised controlled trials have showed an overall protective effect of vitamin D supplementation against acute respiratory tract infections including influenza and coronaviruses. In fact, the benefit from supplemental vitamin D is greater in those receiving daily vitamin D than the benefits from influenza vaccinations. The protective effects against acute respiratory tract infections are strongest in those with profound vitamin D deficiency. Those with low levels of vitamin D have greater protection from infections with supplementation. People with vitamin D deficiency are much more likely to suffer serious outcomes and death from exposure to respiratory viruses than people with optimal Vitamin D levels. Those with insufficient levels are very susceptible to serious illness and hospitalisation but at less risk of having to go into ICU and death. Elderly people, especially those in aged-care, are at very high risk from the consequences of Vitamin D deficiency, unless given adequate Vitamin D supplementation to maintain optimal levels. Others who cannot manufacture enough include people of colour, people restricted to indoors, the obese, diabetics and others with one or more chronic diseases.
Vitamin D Supplementation and Public Health Policies. The Nordic countries have public health policies of Vitamin D supplementation and food fortification. They also have among the lowest mortality rates attributed to Covid. Thus, Vitamin D adequacy in the general population allows for a much lower mortality. Countries that do not have any public health policy of Vitamin D supplementation in winter and spring create at risk groups to viral respiratory infections. Accordingly, surges in cases and deaths from influenza-like viruses including Covid-19 occur. Public health programmes of vitamin D supplementation protect elderly people and healthcare workers from serious illness and death and allow for lock-down free situations, effective minimal quarantine and much less economic destruction. In fact overall, it leads to greater productivity and economic gains. Vitamin D supplementation is extremely safe, effective, cheap and readily available. No toxicity has been reported with doses of 10,000 iu per day or less. In some individuals the dose required to meet protective levels is higher. Blood tests must be performed to measure the levels of vitamin D and to achieve the optimal dose/levels. The myriad of mechanisms of action of Vitamin D are well understood. In fact, it has now been reclassified as a hormone. Its proper name is calcitriol. Logically, if it is to be regarded as a hormone, then routine testing of people at risk of insufficiency or deficiency should be conducted. If the level of calcitriol is low, it should be medically corrected with supplementation, just as is done with insulin in diabetes and thyroid hormone in hypothyroidism. If vitamin D was a drug and knowing all of it's mechanisms of action, it would be readily and extensively prescribed by a better informed medical profession. (Change the name of vitamin D to calcitriol and let's see what happens). The immediate introduction of public health measures to improve vitamin D status in individuals globally is paramount. The priority should be in settings where insufficient levels and profound vitamin D deficiency is common.

Zinc Finally, to zinc, a critical trace element in the fight against Covid-19 and future pandemics. It plays a fundamental role in protecting us against invaders. It is like the moat, turrets, gates and locks to a fort. Without it we are unprotected.

Zinc significantly influences immune function. The following explains the the biological basis of altered resistance to infections when zinc is deficient. Approximately 30 percent of the community have insufficient or deficient levels of zinc, leaving them susceptible to infection.

Zinc is known to play a central role in the immune system and zinc-deficient persons experience increased susceptibility to a variety of pathogens. Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system and is crucial for the normal development and function of cells mediating nonspecific immunity such as the white blood cells and natural killer cells.

Zinc deficiency also affects the development of acquired immunity, the activation of T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes. It helps B lymphocyte development and antibody production, particularly immunoglobulin G. Zinc deficiency adversely affects the function of macrophages.

The impact of zinc supplementation on COVID-19 is very well known and the experience of its use by thousands of physicians world wide supports its routine use in Covid prevention and treatment. Zinc deficiency results in altered numbers and the dysfunction of all the immune cells. Suboptimal zinc increases risk for infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, and some cancers.

The WHO assumes at least one third of the world's population is affected by zinc deficiency and in Europe, 10 to 20% of the population are zinc deficient.

It is responsible for approximately 16% of all deep respiratory infections world-wide.

Supplementation is safe, effective, cheap and readily available with minimal to no side effects.

Supplementation with zinc could reduce mortality in the Covid-19 patient. Successful supplementation studies focusing on respiratory tract infections in most cases showed prophylactic zinc supplementation was more effective than other therapeutic proceedings. Low serum zinc levels are regularly observed in COPD, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, kidney diseases, dialysis, obesity, diabetes, cancer, atherosclerosis, liver cirrhosis, immunosuppression, and known liver damage.

57.5% of the elderly and nursing home residents in the U.S. have a significantly decreased zinc intake. Zinc supplementation is able to reconstitute immune function in the elderly and zinc deficient individuals. The Journal of Infectious Diseases has documented poor outcomes in Covid patients with zinc deficiency. These zinc deficient patients develop more complications, and the deficiency is associated with a prolonged hospital stay and increased mortality.

Zinc creates a virus killing mucous mask lining our airways from the nose to the airway's final passages. It holds our lining cells together. Without zinc, our white cells cannot produce antibodies and our genes cannot express and repair themselves for any viral onslaught. It has been shown to be effective in Covid-19, as has vitamin s C and D and these 3 nutrients are extremely synergistic.

Ivermectin There was overwhelming evidence of its effectiveness in preventing and treating covid. It has been shown to be effective in treating long covid. The successful use of ivermectin in the prevention and early treatment of Covid-19 by my colleagues overseas, is indisputable. The home management using ivermectin of patients who would have been admitted to hospital and ICU is clearly evident. I have witnessed this in various zoom conferences with my colleagues in, for example, South Africa and Zimbabwe. Ivermectin at higher doses is also used in hospitalised patients and patients in ICU.

Moderate to severe covid infections Should there be individuals who do develop a breakthrough and moderate to severe infection, on admission to hospital they should be administered High Dose Intravenous Vitamin C immediately and if their vitamin D is insufficient or deficient, an injection of calcifediol should be administered to achieve optimal vitamin D status. These procedures will effectively prevent deterioration and complications including inflammation, thrombosis, ARDS, ALI and opportunistic bacterial and viral infections. This also applies to other acute, severe, viral respiratory infections including coryza, influenza and coronaviruses. It is the best non-specific defensive management of the patient.

Global Health It is imperative for the global health authorities to execute CD-Zinc supplementation and repurposed medicine programs world-wide. There is no excuse to deny the people of the world proven effective, extremely safe, cheap, readily available scientifically-based approaches to be pandemic and pandemonium free. We cannot wait for all the clinical studies to emerge about a specific strain of virus and it's attendant vaccine when the experience based on the best of the current science of nutritional medicine is proof.

CONCLUSION In summary, Covid-19 posed very little risk to people of good health. The use of the tri-nutrient repurposed medicines approach can significantly reduce the incidence and severity of infections, the requirement for hospitalisation and, if commenced early, will prevent admission to ICU in severely ill patients. Covid patients should be managed initially by trained, qualified and experienced medical practitioners, nurse practitioners and scientists utilising nutritional immunology. The entire population should be educated as to the value of these nutrients and it should not be a difficult task. We could be pandemic free in six to to eight weeks if these approaches were adopted. Furthermore, other serious issues that have arisen from the poor management of the pandemic are the coercion to force vaccinate, the lack of informed consent provided to patients, the attacks on doctors and healthcare workers who spoke out about their concerns regarding the toxicity of the vaccines and lost their jobs, the very high levels of vaccination injuries and deaths and in particular the vaccine-induced deaths of Australian children, and the government's refusal to withdraw the vaccines. All powerful reasons for a broad-based Royal Commission.

I speak on behalf of all the medical practitioners and health care workers who are trained in nutritional therapeutics, who understand the power of the above mentioned approaches and who know they work from the available science and experience, but, are too afraid of speaking out.

Professor Ian Brighthope

1st. February, 2024"