The prediction has been made by geopolitical analyst Martin Armstrong, that with widespread global conflicts erupting across the world, with the Middle East being the latest, and intensifying each day, and with the open southern US border allowing terrorists to enter the US, which even the woke FBI predicts will lead to terrorist attacks across the US, martial law could be seen in the US. By implication, it is possible that martial law could be put into place in other Western countries including Australia, depending upon circumstances, such as if in the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, a nuclear bomb strike is made on the US military base of Pine Gap. The public panic will then be even greater than at the beginning of the Covid plandemic.

Regarding the US, I think Armstrong is spot on in saying that the Biden regime wants terrorist attacks upon the US so that under the guise of martial law, they will be able to pursue things in their agenda that are now more difficult to achieve, like the total banning of private firearms: ““You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts. . . . Terrorism leads to lockdowns.  As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving.  You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’  . . . . Lockdowns are coming to America again, absolutely.  This is to prevent civil unrest.  So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff.  This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.”

Of course, this is a delusional strategy, since even with martial law declared, and even if this effectively destroys conservative America, it will do nothing to stop waves of terrorist attacks from the hundreds, if not millions, of hostile agents that have entered the country via mass migration. The Pandora’s box would have been opened. And, the same applies to other countries, especially the migration mad Australia.

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong began 2023 predicting “chaos” would be coming around the world.  We have a bloody war in Ukraine, a new conflict with Gaza and Israel, and a wide open U.S. border with the FBI predicting huge terror attacks coming to America.  Is this kind of destabilization a coincidence or is it a Deep State globalist plan?  Why are the demonic dark powers taking peace from the earth and forecasting big terror events coming to America?  Armstrong contends, “It is very simple.  Basically, we are looking at a sovereign default.  Governments are pushed to the limit at this stage.  You even had Fed Head Jay Powell come out last week and say ‘the spending is unsustainable.’  The Biden Administration is a complete corrupt absolute disaster.  It’s not really Biden . . . he’s just there to sign whatever they stick in front of him.”

So, a debt default will tank the economy and make millions of Americans poor and broke overnight.  Poor and broke is how revolutions and civil unrest start, especially against the government that caused all the problems.  Armstrong contends this is why the Southern U.S. border has been wide open for the past three years.  The Deep State corrupt Biden Administration (RINO Republicans included) want terrorists to come to America and commit awful acts of violence and murder.  Why?  Armstrong explains, “You have Neocons pushing for war on all possible fronts. . . . Terrorism leads to lockdowns.  As soon as you start getting this, they will have to know what everybody is doing and where they are moving.  You are looking at ‘Papers, Please.’  . . . . Lockdowns are coming to America again, absolutely.  This is to prevent civil unrest.  So, they want the terrorists to blow up some stuff.  This gives them the excuse to effectively enforce martial law. . . . This helps the government to hold onto power.”

Armstrong thinks interest rates and inflation are going to go up for a while.  He thinks the U.S. dollar will get stronger because capital will flow to the U.S. in times of crisis and war.  Armstrong thinks Hamas has won the public relations war and is trying to isolate Israel on the world stage.  This attack is much deeper than anyone imagines.  Armstrong says get tangible assets, and that includes gold and silver as core assets.  He also thinks the global economy will implode, but the USA goes down last.  Armstrong says the economy will tank in America, but it will be much worse in Blue states like New York, California and Illinois.”