By CR on Friday, 20 March 2020
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

The Bioweapon Hypothesis By Brian Simpson

     Clearly, regardless of the biological reality, the Covid 19 pandemic has even more alarming social consequences, being an example of “sheer fear” and a of how easily people can be stampeded.

    One view has it that the shutting down of entire nations in the West is a form of national suicide that will allow China to rise to world control sooner rather than later. This view gains some further plausibility if the Chinese bioweapon idea is correct:

“First, alarmist “sky-is-falling” cries were made that millions of Americans could die. Second, the only way to prevent these deaths is to stop contagion by shutting down social and economic activities. Fauci has since claimed that he is open to a 14 day total national shutdown. That is, shut down sports and community events, schools, churches, restaurants, transportation, factories, services and any other activity where people would come into contact with each other. This insane mentality has now caused national panic among civic leaders as well as citizens. Ordinary people are  panicked into the irrational hoarding of toilet paper. Really? State governors are firing off executive orders left and right that are essentially promoting a form of “soft martial law” where civic and religious groups above a certain people limit cannot meet. City mayors are shutting down restaurants, churches, schools and government services. These irrational measures are ripping apart the social and economic fabric of the entire nation. Store shelves are emptied, the stock market is crashing, national economic activity has cratered, all in the name of saving us from the coronavirus. This is the exact reason why America should NEVER allow Technocrats to run the nation. And yet, Technocrats ARE running the nation anyway… straight into the ground. When America regains its senses, it will be too late to mitigate the damage. For now, Technocrats like Dr. Fauci should go back to their laboratories to do something useful for mankind and stay out of the business of running the nation.”

    This article puts the case for the Chinese bioweapon view. A simpler read though is an article saying that China is putting an end to lab leakage of pathology samples. What! A leakage! That means a leak, so the stuff gets out there!

“Seemingly providing more anecdotal evidence that the Covid-19 outbreak was caused by an accidental leak of a bio-engineered virus and not by some freak of nature in Wuhan's market, China's Communist Party has issued a serious "Wartime Order" demanding more care and containment be taken with virus handling. Specifically: “Strengthen laboratory management and resolutely put an end to the theft, leakage, and loss of pathogenic bacteria (poisons) and various samples...” an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in China, where society emphasizes hierarchy. ‘Diversity of viewpoint, flat structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important.'” This lab is at most 20 miles from the wet market where the virus had been assumed to have jumped from animal to human. However the idea that a Chinese lab could have a viral sample escape is well-documented – as mentioned, one lab in Beijing has had four separate incidents of the SARS virus leaking out accidentally. “These narratives of escaped pathogens have common themes,” argued an analysis of biocontainment failures by medical historian Martin Furmanski in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. “There are unrecognized technical flaws in standard biocontainment... The first infection, or index case, happens in a person not working directly with the pathogen that infects him or her, as in the smallpox and SARS escapes. Poor training of personnel and slack oversight of laboratory procedures negate policy efforts by national and international bodies to achieve biosecurity, as shown in the SARS and smallpox escapes. And given our previous detailing of the possible source of the virus and the sudden militarization of the lab and response in Wuhan, one might wonder if the Chinese are closing the barn door after the deadly viral horse has bolted."

     Whether this speculation turns out to be true or not, for many of the smaller people, the world has changed forever. It will be painful, but it is inevitable.

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