The Chinese state media, nothing more than a mouth piece for the CCP, have released a three-stage plan for the invasion of Taiwan. First will come the ballistic missiles to take out key defence installations. Then cruise missiles to take out anything missed. The naval vessels get in on the fun, blasting away. Finally, the invasion. The CCP mouth piece does not detail what happens to the people, but given China’s track record, we don’t have to guess. I wonder what the invasion plan for Australia is, or do they just walk in, maybe with red carpets laid out by local socialists? Certainly, the new class in the universities will welcome their leaders. But, they will go the way of all useful idiots who think that they can profit by selling out to totalitarianism.

“A state-controlled Chinese magazine published a three-stage plan demonstrating the Chinese invasion of Taiwan, according to various reports.

This report comes after China President Xi Jingping pledged “complete reunification” with Taiwan as he marked the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party.

“Stage One” of this plan would involve the attack of “key installations,” with DF-16 short-range ballistic missiles used to attack airports, early warning radar, anti-air missile bases, and command centers.

According to the article, “The attacks against Taiwan’s airports would continue until [Chinese] surface troops had accomplished an assault landing.”

“Stage Two” would involve various cruise missile strikes against other targets. YJ-91 and CJ-10 cruise missiles would be fired from both land and sea against military bases, ammunition depots, communications infrastructure, and key road junctions.

Drones would then be used to assess the scale of subsequent damage.

“Stage Three” would involve further bombardment from naval vessels to prepare for an amphibious beach landing of infantry and other military units.

As The U.S. Sun noted, “This was the second time the publication has outlined a scenario for an attack on Taiwan.”