Remember Al Gore, who was once the face of climate change hysteria, way before young Princess Greta Thunberg? Well, the ageing guru of hysteria is back, advocating mass surveillance via satellites, censors and artificial intelligence, the so called Climate TRACE coalition. Gore threatens: “we’ll have it down to the level of every single power plant, refinery, every large ship, every plane, every waste dump, and we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams.” Thus, the global communist elites will move then to control individual carbon emissions, just as they have done in their test run with the Covid lockdowns. Seeing what fun it was to smash human freedom, with generally majority compliance, the elites are not stopping now, total destruction of society or not. This is the endgame.

“Speaking from the private jet and super yacht owners gathering, otherwise known as the COP 26 summit, Al Gore touted his latest solution to curb carbon emissions, mass surveillance via satellites, sensors and artificial intelligence.

In the interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Gore declared that technology created by the so called Climate TRACE coalition will monitor greenhouse gas emissions and root out the culprits.

“We get data consistently from 300 existing satellites, more than 11,000 ground-based, air-based, sea-based sensors, multiple internet data streams and using artificial intelligence,” Gore explained, adding “All that information is combined, visible light, infrared, all of the other information that is brought in, and we can now accurately determine where the greenhouse gas emissions are coming from.”

Gore, who in 2008 said there would be no polar ice caps left within five years, continued, “And next year we’ll have it down to the level of every single power plant, refinery, every large ship, every plane, every waste dump, and we’ll have the identities of the people who are responsible for each of those greenhouse gas emission streams.”

And what, pray tell will happen to these climate criminals Al?

“If investors or governments, or civil society activists want to hold them responsible, they will have the information upon which to base their action and holding them responsible,” Gore proclaimed.


What Gore and his 300 satellites will find is that it is the elite super rich luxury class who are the world’s largest polluters.

New research by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP) and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) has found that by 2030, the carbon footprints of the wealthiest 1% of humanity are on track to be 30 times larger than the size compatible with limiting global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century, the Paris Agreement’s more ambitious temperature target.

The report notes that should current trends continue, the richest 1% will account for 16% of global CO2 emissions in 2030.”

It will be interesting to see what the carbon footprint of new class elites like Gore is. We certainly looks well fed, groomed and comfortable. How many starving African families could be kept in dignity by sacrificing his life style, and indeed that of the 1 percenters who visited COP26 in their private jets?