By CR on Wednesday, 05 September 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Stop the Bias! By Chris Knight

     Trump seems to have recognised the threat that big Tech is posing to his continual electoral survival, and may, at long last, be going on the offensive:

Donald J. Trump

6:25 AM - Aug 30, 2018

“Having trouble these days finding the information you’re looking for online? It could be the result of search engine censorship, as mega-platforms like Google are increasingly moving conservative and other “non-PC” content to latter search result pages – if it even pulls up this content at all – while blatantly prioritizing liberal and official “fact-checked” content to the front page. A recent experiment by Paula Bolyard from PJ Media proved this, as she found that while searching for the term “Trump” on Google, a shocking 96 percent of the results were negative, linking back to liberal, Trump-hating fake news outlets that routinely bash the President. Google claims that it doesn’t alter search results to push any specific agenda like this, but Bolyard’s test results prove otherwise.

On the first page, for instance, she observed that there were two anti-Trump articles from fake news giant CNN, another from The Atlantic, and a slew of others from CBS News, The New Yorker, Politico, Reuters, and USA Today. Missing from Bolyard’s “Trump” search were any hits about the positive things that the President is doing to bring jobs back to America, end globalist policies that hurt American families, and restore order and decency to everyday American life. Instead, it was all just hit pieces, slander, and “the sky is falling” nonsense in relation to the President. “I expected to see some skewing of the results based on my extensive experience with Google, but I was not prepared for the blatant prioritization of left-leaning and anti-Trump media outlets,” writes Bolyard. “Not a single right-leaning site appeared on the first page of search results.”

     We have moved far beyond the domain of false news to the situation where these mega-monopolies are able to conduct cultural warfare under the guise of capitalism. Something needs to be done about this, immediately. This shows the evils of monopolisations, for absolute power, corrupts absolutely as Lord Acton said. Trump needs to break them up, as well as ensuring freedom of speech on the internet.

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