This is another elephant in the room issue, much like the excess mortality observed across the West, and the collapse of young people with heart attacks, never seen in such numbers before the vax. According to some Covid critics, cancer rates have increased by1,000 percent after the Covid vax rollout. Jonathan Landsman blames the mRNA vax: ““These spike proteins are spreading and infecting all the cells in the body. This is allowing those infections to attach to the outside of the cell, and then inject themselves inside the cell, causing organ damage and severe illness … and is especially increasing the risk of advanced-stage cancers.” The  spike proteins do not stay at the injection site in the deltoid muscle, ,but migrate around the body, as early biodistribution studies, requested from Pfizer by the Japanese government showed.


“In a recent guesting on the “Health Ranger Report,” Natural health expert Jonathan Landsman told host Mike Adams that cancer cases have increased by 1,000 percent post-Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine era.

“That’s why every single one of these integrative health care providers is talking about exploding rates of cancer,” Landsman said. “These clots are actually very much related to causing this increase in cancer rates.”

Landsman said the spike proteins from mRNA vaccines are causing tremendous damage in the body because they are attaching and decreasing the ACE2 receptor expression.

“These spike proteins are spreading and infecting all the cells in the body. This is allowing those infections to attach to the outside of the cell, and then inject themselves inside the cell, causing organ damage and severe illness … and is especially increasing the risk of advanced-stage cancers,” he explained.

Adams added that the claim the COVID-19 shots stay in the injection site is a hoax as these mRNA instructions end up penetrating the heart, lung, spleen, vascular and brain cells. “These mRNA instructions are everywhere in the body where they’re not supposed to be.”

Worse, the mainstream media is still lying to people and telling the public not to worry about this mRNA technology. “It’s absolute lies. People have been wondering why others who got the shot all of a sudden get cancer and people that were in remission get their cancers back and this time, very aggressively,” Landsman said.


Glyphosate intensifies damage brought by mRNA COVID-19 vaccines to the human body

Elsewhere in the show, the Health Ranger shared to Landsman what he and renowned molecular biologist Dr. Judy Mikovits talked about during the latter’s recent appearance on the “Health Ranger Report.”

“She told me that glyphosate in the blood potentiates the penetration of the mRNA into the cells. So [it’s] because of the presence of glyphosate,” Adams said. “One of the explanations for why some people may be more damaged than others could be the presence of glyphosate from eating non-organic foods.”

Landsman added that glyphosate, a widely used herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds and grasses, is present in processed wheat products. “If you’re on these kinds of products, and you take one of these shots, you are in serious trouble, and you need to stop right away,” he warned.

“A poor lifestyle is making the cells more permeable in a negative way. All these comorbidities, the poor health that people are in and then they flood their bodies with these experimental shots with some false hope that it’s going to protect them from some infection, this is not the logic that’s well grounded in good science.”

He also pointed out that whatever people put in their mouth is very important. “The sicker the digestive system is, the higher the risk you have to any toxins that you’re exposed to. Then on top of that, you throw the shots in and people are truly playing a dangerous game of Russian Roulette,” he said.

The two also tackled how people are being coerced to take the shots.

Landsman cited a world-class tennis player who pulled out of a big event just before the U.S. Open because he got dizzy and can’t breathe. The athlete had to take the injection to get into the U.S. and be able to play in the event.

Adams, on the other hand, reminded the listeners that the best way to deal with COVID-19 is not to just accept the vaccine mandates but to trust real science, the good science that is not sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry.

“This is about us all getting back to trusting and having a strong faith in our own ability to take care of ourselves and the ones that we love with good food, good healthy attitudes, positivity, the right mindset, good emotional wellness, getting outside into the sunshine becoming more active getting grounded,” he said.”

Thus, it is no wonder that the mRNA Covid vaxxes have caused more deaths and adverse effects than all other vaccines in the past 21 years, combined.

“In just under two years, the mRNA COVID shots have had a shocking impact on the globe.  Thousands upon thousands have suffered from vax side effects ranging from heart inflammation to autoimmune issues (according to the U.S. passive surveillance vax safety system VAERS).  Meanwhile, we’ve all had to witness informed consent being tossed out the window as individuals have been coerced into taking this hastily-developed, gene-based concoction under threat of job loss and societal ostracization.

Of course, it’s bad enough that these shots don’t even stop transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 – a jaw-dropping outcome that mainstream media and Pharma officials have tried to avoid by simply moving the goalposts and claiming that the shots were actually only meant to prevent severe illness and death.  But some of the latest COVID shot data from our neighbors in the UK paint a different picture even from that claim.

Official data from United Kingdom point to grim reality about COVID shots

First, the source:

The data shared subsequently comes from the United Kingdom’s official medicine regulator, known as the UK Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, or MHRA.  The government agency “regulates medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion in the UK,” according to their website.  (Chief among their responsibilities is “ensuring that medicines, medical devices and blood components for transfusion meet applicable standards of safety, quality, and efficacy.”)

In response to a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted on August 6, 2021, via email by a gentleman simply referenced as Mr. Anderson, the MHRA recently revealed some alarming COVID shot data to the public.  In particular:

Over the past 19 months, COVID-19 shots have been linked to 5.5 times as many deaths as all other vaxxes available in the UK in the past 21 years.

“The MHRA has received a total of 404 UK spontaneous suspected [adverse reaction reports] for any vaccine between 01/01/2001 – 25/08/2021 associated with a fatal outcome,” the agency says in their response, dated September 6 of last year.  The agency adds, “Please note this number excludes reports received for the COVID-19 vaccines.”

Interesting, right?

Just over 400 adverse vaccine reactions associated with a fatal outcome from ALL OTHER shots combined in the previous two decades.  Yet, in less than two years, the MHRA has documented the following statistics in their so-called Yellow Card reporting:

We should note that none of these shots were available prior to December 2020 at the latest.  If all these reported deaths are indeed caused by adverse reactions to the COVID shots, then this suggests the COVID jabs are 7,402% more deadly than all other vaccines currently available in the UK.

The MRHA is compelled to point out in their FOI response that “a reported reaction does not necessarily mean it has been caused by the vaccine, only that the reporter had a suspicion it may have.”  A completely valid point.  Yet we can only hope that regulators are beginning to pay attention to this alarming data glaring at them right in the face.

MHRA insists vax is “single most effective” method for keeping people safe from COVID-19 … critics ask, at what cost?

The FOI request poses several questions to the MHRA.  The agency’s responses are interesting.

For example, in response to the question: “What cut off point will the MHRA say a vaccine or drug is unsafe for humans?” the MRHA reassures the reader that “We also work closely with our public health partners in reviewing the effectiveness and impact of the vaccines to ensure the benefits continue to outweigh any possible side effects … All vaccines and medicines have some side effects.  These side effects need to be continuously balanced against the expected benefits in preventing illness.”

They add, “It is important to note that vaccination is the single most effective way to reduce deaths and severe illness from COVID-19.”

The “single most effective way.”  A bold statement that doesn’t seem to take into consideration all the other critical lifestyle factors that are proven to be protective against disease and even shown to reduce the risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, as noted by Harvard Medical School and others.  Healthy diet, daily exercise, smoking cessation, adequate sleep, weight management, etc. – public health officials have failed horribly in encouraging these essential and lifesaving strategies to the public.

Just think about it: we are approaching three years into this COVID debacle.  Imagine if our leaders promoted and incentivized healthy lifestyle choices at least as much as they’ve promoted and incentivized the COVID-19 shots.”