By CR on Friday, 05 July 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Shake, Rattle and Roll, Merkel By Richard Miller

     First, we saw Hillary Clinton doing the shaking of the elites, head twisting like in one of those horror movies. It was due to dehydration she said. Germany’s Angela Merkel, anything but angelic, has also got the shakes; it is catching on. In the latest clip of this tired old globalist at a tired old globalist meeting, she began shaking. Some plebe handed her a big glass of water. Instead of glugging it down she turned it away, and was content to keep on shaking on, seemingly oblivious and uncaring, since the elites like having zombie paper rulers.

“Concerns for German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s health grow once more as she was filmed struggling to keep her composure and visibly shaking during an official ceremony for the second time this month. The incident happened during the formal appointing of the new justice minister in Berlin’s Bellevue Palace on Thursday morning. The chancellor began shaking while standing next to German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who was delivering a speech. The shaking stopped and resumed several times. Merkel was visibly distraught and placed both hands on her chest, trying to control herself. Nevertheless, she continued with the ceremony, and later shook hands, smiled, and posed for photos with other officials. At one point, the chancellor was offered a glass of water. After the ceremony, Merkel’s spokesperson said the chancellor “is feeling well” and will attend the G20 meeting in Osaka, Japan on June 28-29, as planned. Angela Merkel was previously spotted shaking two weeks ago when she met Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Her condition looked more severe that time, as the shaking seemed more violent. She told reporters then that she was just dehydrated and recovered after drinking several glasses of water.”

     Now the dehydration claim is simply bs. Shaking is not normally one of the symptoms of dehydration, and dizziness is, but is usually for severe cases which is unlikely in the case of both Clinton and Merkel, who both look like they have plenty of bodily fluids.

     It is more likely that Merkel’s ageing body has been metaphysically poisoned over the years with all the evil that she has done, and frail human flesh can only take so much before falling apart. Just like civilisations.

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