By CR on Wednesday, 30 January 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Radiation Tsunamis! The War of the Waves By James Reed

     While the West obediently follows the script of racial suicide, Russia has been busy creating weapons of hyper-mass destruction just in case the West does not suicide quickly enough. The latest uses the power of the sea to destroy coastal cities. The question though, is if this is used on America, or even us, will migrants still be coming to bring diversity to a new underwater world, like in the failed movie, Waterworld ?

“A former advisor to President Trump has admitted that there are genuine concerns over Russia’s shock plan to use a “doomsday device” that would create a 300-ft radiation tsunami wave - powerful enough to wipe out major US cities. Former State Department senior adviser Christian Whiton said that hearing the plans would make any security official “have concerns”. He admitted that such a blast would create a “wave - and a highly irradiated one”.

     Clearly the US and the West needs to go back to doing what it does best, and that is agonising over transgender toilets, because problems like this are just too difficult for our divided society to solve.

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