Along with White flight, from the multiracial, multicultural hell holes that mass immigration has created, there is now the phenomenon of Whites being in "quiet quitting." Whites, at least in America, which seems to lead the West in these sorts of social issues, are abandoning institutions such as the universities and the military. Last week the armed forces of the US reported that the number of White recruits had fallen to the lowest level in five years, creating a recruitment short fall crisis at a time when the system is wanting Whites to line up to be cannon fodder in the next big racial genocide war. White recruits went from 56.4 percent of soldiers in 2018 to 44 percent in 2023. This has created a problem, since White soldiers typically take on key roles in the fighting forces, such as navy SEALs.

The cause is even openly recognised by the system, that with the military, as like the universities, the institutions are now grounded upon woke anti-white racism, and conservative males are voting with their feet and not putting up with it. Fine, let the army recruit illegals to go fight Russia, and Asian illegals, military age men from China who have poured across the border, can fight China. See how that all goes!

"As the work-from-home trend took off during the COVID-19 pandemic, the term "quiet quitting" entered the contemporary lexicon.

There is debate among scholars as to the extent of the quiet quitting phenomenon, but there is increasing evidence that white Americans are increasingly quiet quitting America's leading institutions. And the possible implications of that for American society are profound.

This phenomenon is a consequence of the trends I write about in my forthcoming book, The Unprotected Class, about the rise of anti-white racism in American culture and how both formal and informal anti-white discrimination have become a factor in almost every area of American public life.

Little surprise then, that more and more young whites, especially young white men, are looking at the overall environment and saying, "Thanks, but no thanks," to our leading institutions. Last week, the armed forces announced that the number of white recruits had fallen precipitously over the last five years.

According to a report at, most of the Army's much-discussed incoming recruiting shortfall is due largely to this dramatic decline. While a bit more than 44,000 white Americans signed up to join the army in 2018, that number cratered to just over 25,000 by 2023—a stunning drop in a short period of time when black and Hispanic recruiting was largely flat. As a result, white recruits went from 56.4% of soldiers in 2018 to 44% in 2023.

Even military leaders attribute this decline in significant part to the souring of conservative whites, who have traditionally formed the backbone of the military, but are now looking at the woke anti-white military under Joe Biden and opting out.

A collapse in any demographic's willingness to serve in the military would be a concern, but a collapse in (disproportionately conservative) whites in the military is more likely to precipitate a readiness crisis. White soldiers are far more likely than non-whites to be the "tip of the spear," taking on the most dangerous and important combat tasks. In Iraq and Afghanistan, approximately 80% of special forces were white. Despite heavy diversity recruitment efforts in recent years, 84% of Navy SEALs are white. These special forces teams are filled with objective qualifications, performance, and candidate interest. It may be politically incorrect to say, but as a matter of math, in the current environment, a military that is less white is also a military that's almost certainly less capable.

It's not just the military. Whites, as a percentage of medical school students, are well below their population numbers. White college enrollment for 18-24 year-olds has dropped from 43% in 2010 to 38% in 2021, the sharpest drop for any major ethnic group (it is now essentially equal with African-Americans, though African-American students are, on average, far less college-ready than whites) Enrollment is down particularly sharply among white men, the group that has historically led America's institutions, having collapsed from just 41% to 33%—an attendance rate far below Asian-Americans and just a couple of points above African-Americans and Hispanics.

Given that SAT Scores are on, average, much higher for whites than either blacks or Hispanics, it is clear that whites make up a hugely disproportionate number of the students qualified for college but not attending. Discriminated against by race-based preferences in both academia and the workplace, young white men in particular are increasingly dropping out. There has been an almost a continuous drop in white male labor force participation over decades now, a drop sharper than seen in any other ethnic group."