By CR on Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Positive Personal Birthday Thoughts from President Trumper By Birthday Boy, Uncle Len

     My 80th birthday, and nobody remembered, including me, until I checked the calendar the day after. My God, I really am living on borrowed time, if you call this “living,” and “time” (perhaps there is some truth to the “universe as a computer simulation’ idea? ). Really I should not be surprised that nobody cares, because, well, I have no family, and no friends, unless the nice ethnic man, who does not speak much English (“English?” What’s that?) I rent the tool shed from is a “friend.” Anyway, the day after, the day after, President Crumpet sent me, what I take to be a personal birthday greeting, telling me that although I am surrounded by traitors and fools, I need to keep positive, whatever that means:

Donald J. Trump

If you meet every day with optimism – if you confront every obstacle with determination – if you refuse to give up, if you never quit, if you face every challenge with confidence and pride – then there is no goal you cannot achieve, and no dream beyond your reach! #YBLS2018
8:17 AM - Oct 27, 2018

     Sure, my birthday is October 26, but I am pretending that the time difference makes it my birthday greeting, from the White House, to the Tool Shed:


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