By CR on Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Political Correctness Comes to Mathematics By Brian Simpson

     Here was I as a high school maths teacher thinking that at least maths is free from the political correctness nonsense, but then I was sent a link to this article, and will have to think again. As one economist describes this:

“Math professor Ted Hill wrote an evolutionary theory paper on why male variability would be greater than female. It was accepted at one journal, but beore publication, pressure from Women in Mathematics led to the NSF asking that its name be removed as a grant source, then a co-author asking to be removed, then the journal accepting. A second journal heard about it, requested submission, accepted, but then removed the paper from its online site and put another paper of the same length there, after getting heat.”

     Ok, the paper is in the area of applied mathematics, and deals with a gender/IQ difference, but as we know from feminism, these are all social constructions, unless advised by feminists that they are not, for reasons of political convenience, so it is only right to suppress the paper, and anyone even thinking about it. That is just how things are done now in academia. James is right that we need to shut it all down. For too long, this has been out of control.

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