With the jury in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial delivering a not guilty verdict, it has been observed that piles of bricks are appearing all over Kenosha. As in 2020, when this also occurred prior to radical Leftist riots, this is a warning that Leftists are going to be tossing bricks through the windows of the innocent, because that is just what tyrannical thugs do.

“It appears the leftists are getting ready to clock in for work in Kenosha. There is a report of bricks being placed in Kenosha in preparation for rioting.

Star Fire Codes reported there are already calls of suspicious activity coming through the police scanner. Kenosha officer checked a local alley way and verified there are “bricks everywhere” around 12 and 1 PM EST earlier today.

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the groups behind the riots in the US include domestic terrorists, Black lives Matter, US Islamists, and others linked to the Democrat Party. These protests are organized – bricks are being delivered uninhibited to riot sites.”


The authorities could, if they wanted to immediately remove these piles of bricks, but this was not done in 2020 either, so it must all be part of a coordinated campaign of state-backed terrorism.