By CR on Monday, 28 October 2019
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Peeing in the Rain, Just Peeing in the Rain By James Reed

     Music for this post, Singin’ in the Rain, an oldie but goodie, with great dancing by Gene Kelly Aaaaah, music, how is has sunk into the trash, since even the 1950s. Just look at the second clip celebrating murdering a white woman by one of today’s top “stars,” Rihanna:

     Over in the home of racial suicide, Scandinavia, Norwegians have been told by Big sister to pee in the shower to save water, to help with global warming blah, blah:

“Norwegians are being told to pee in the shower in order to save water for the good of the environment. Yes, really. Frode Hult of the Water and Sewer Agency in Oslo appeared on Norwegian State Television NRK to raise awareness about the fact that Norway uses almost double the amount of water used in Denmark. “Do not run the water when you brush your teeth, only wash with filled washing machines, only buy washing machines that don’t use so much water, use a pot when you ate watering plants in your garden. And pee in the shower in the morning,” said Hult. The host of the show challenged this statement, remarking, “Pee in the shower? You do know that many people will choke when they hear you say that?” “Yes, but it is great idea,” responded Hult. “We can also brush our teeth in the shower. It is very good for the environment.” Viewers of the show did not react warmly to the proposal, with one asking, “Why not also poop in the shower?”

     A good suggestion to put in the suggestion box, but the more “logical” proposal is not to shower in the first place, having a light wipe over with say a cloth in a small basin of recycled water, maybe from urine, using a cup full, and feeling white racial guilt all of the time. Then, don’t forget to bring in millions of Third World migrants to up the carbon footprint. The more whites sacrifice the more that can be given to the unfortunates of the world, victims of colonial oppression, so it is all coming out in the wash.

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