This one made me laugh, and not much done by the Taliban does that. There was a great whacking George Floyd mural, and the Taliban painted a victory mural over it! Will the Left be triggered by their new heroes doing this? Wil this blow a fuse in their woke brains? Who knows, anything is possible nowadays.

“After successfully completing its takeover of Afghanistan, the Taliban has been painting over murals in Kabul and replacing them with proclamations of victory, including one that featured Black Lives Matter icon George Floyd.

“The Taliban have started painting over murals left behind from the American occupation,” highlighted one Twitter users. “Here they paint over one mural depicting St George Floyd and replace it with proclamations of victory.”

Some respondents expressed shock that there was actually a George Floyd mural in Afghanistan, but it’s confirmed in a Guardian report.

“The murals addressed everything from the killing of George Floyd in the US and the drowning of Afghan refugees in Iran, to the signing of the US-Taliban agreement towards peace and murder of a Japanese aid worker,” states the article.

The murals were created by a group called Artlords, members of which had covered Kabul with the images, some of which carried social justice messages and amplified women’s rights issues, in the eight years before the Taliban took control.

The original aim of the group, according to its website, was “to pave the way for social transformation and behavioural change”

Although the group asserts it is independent, Artlords has an American outpost which is based in Virginia, United States.

“George Floyd’s face and the LGBT flag are the symbols of American Imperialism in the 21st century,” pointed out Keith Woods.

Meanwhile, in the west, giant statues of the career criminal who pointed a gun at a pregnant woman during an armed robbery are being erected, while brands are also launching George Floyd-themed lingerie as a symbol of female empowerment.

And we still wonder why China is preparing to become the world’s dominant superpower.”