Elon musk has been dropping what some call “bombshells,” but which most of us who do research already know, about suppression of conservatives. What is new and interesting today is a tweet by Musk, having a dig at the trans agenda re pronouns and Covid king, Dr Fauci: my pronouns: prosecute/ Fauci. That is pretty amusing, and at least gets it out into the public that this Fauci guy must have been up to no good, shutting down economies, locking up people because of his love for the policies of CCP China, and all the financing of gain-of-function material. Why, there are entire books about what Dr Fauci has got up to, such as The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. But, my bet is that like most bad guys, he will swim away, as the system is run by those even worse than him.

Me, I am a divine judgment type of bloke these days. I have faith that at the end of days, justice will reign. I do not believe that God will allow evil, without sincere pleas for forgiveness will go unaddressed. After all, the Covid jabs have been seen by experts in toxicology, poison science, as potentially sterilising an entire generation, covered in another post.



“Elon Musk has dropped another major revelation, this time about Anthony Fauci, the shriveled, malevolent bureaucrat who is responsible for profoundly damaging the American economy, destroying Americans’ health, and putting Biden in the White House. However, if the response from the left to this latest news continues to be the same response with which it greeted earlier Twitter revelations, we may finally have the answer to that old philosophical question: If a tree falls in an empty forest, does it make a sound?

To date, the Twitter documents have revealed that Twitter was working arm-in-arm with the Biden campaign, the Democrat party, and federal law enforcement to silence conservatives, including the President of the United States, to amplify Democrats, and to stifle any factual reporting that would reflect badly on Biden. The government bureaucrats, by colluding with Twitter to silence political speech, were violating the First Amendment. Meanwhile, Twitter was committing a fraud on the public (and its advertisers) by using covert means and lies (including lies to Congress) to hide its conduct perverting free speech in America.

What’s become clear is that Musk, taking a page out of Andrew Breitbart’s and James O’Keefe’s book, is steadily escalating the nature of the revelations. This is a technique that sees a promised expose start out kind of boring so that leftists can say, “That’s not news,” or “You already knew that,” or “Who cares?” However, as the story ever so slowly gains traction, the conservative outlet begins to produce more serious material highlighting gross misconduct.

Thus, the first Twitter revelations were that Twitter was biased. Big whoop, said the collective media. Then the revelations started piling up about shadow banning, deliberately political silencing, bias, government collusion, and the failure to address pedophilia on the site.

Now, Musk is foreshadowing that the next big Twitter news break will be that Anthony Fauci engaged in truly illegal conduct, presumably by allying with Twitter to stifle any tweets that challenged his narratives about lockdowns, masks, potential treatments (e.g., hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin), and the efficacy and dangers of the vaccines:

When asked more generally about Twitter’s role in manipulating America’s response to COVID, Musk promised that there was a big rollout coming: …


However, there is a small problem: To date, the mainstream media have refused to write about these revelations. They are pretending that they don’t exist. Also, to date, the Biden administration, acting through Merrick Garland, has made clear that the only crimes it will investigate are those flowing from January 6.

So, blatantly corrupt and criminal activity is revealed through uncontested evidence, but the media refuse to inform the American people, and the Department of Justice refuses to act, was a crime really committed? The Democrats are hoping the answer is “no,” and that they can walk away and pretend none of this happened. We must hope, therefore, that the American people themselves will inform their fellow citizens about the corrupt, illegal, and unconstitutional alliance between the government and Big Tech, and that their cries for justice will force the Biden administration to act.”


“The second installment of Elon Musk’s “Twitter Files” dropped Thursday night and reveals how the social media giant was secretly “blacklisting” conservative tweets and users.

Independent journalist Bari Weiss detailed in a series of posts how Twitter used so-called “shadow banning” to limit the visibility of tweets coming from far-right users.

Conservative talk show host Dan Bongino, Stanford University’s anti-COVID lockdown advocate Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and right-wing activist Charlie Kirk were among the users targeted for suppression by Twitter, according to Weiss.

The former New York Times and Wall Street Journal writer said the blacklists were built “in secret” and “without informing users.” 


“A new [Twitter Files] investigation reveals that teams of Twitter employees build blacklists, prevent disfavored tweets from trending, and actively limit the visibility of entire accounts or even trending topics — all in secret, without informing users,” Weiss wrote in a tweet Thursday.

She notes that the company strayed from its original mission of giving “everyone the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers” by developing the methods to suppress specific individuals. 

Bhattacharya’s account, for example, was flagged as being on a “trends blacklist,” according to Weiss, who shared an image of his account from Twitter’s point of view with the yellow tag indicating the restriction. 

“Take, for example, Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya who argued that Covid lockdowns would harm children. Twitter secretly placed him on a ‘Trends Blacklist,’ which prevented his tweets from trending,” Weiss wrote


An image of Bongino’s account showed a similar yellow notice that read “Search Blacklist.”

“Or consider the popular right-wing talk show host, Dan Bongino who at one point was slapped with a ‘Search Blacklist,’” Weiss wrote.”