By CR on Thursday, 21 June 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Mummy, Where Did Sex Come From? By Peter West

     You do not hear much about the issues of evolution and God nowadays from Christians. This could be because Christians have learnt their lesson to keep real quiet and maybe scientists like Richard Dawkins will go quiet and leave them in peace, so the Church can go about its contemporary mission to recruit migrants to put bums on seats. However, time to time one comes across articles raising issues Christians should be squawking about, but who generally lack the courage, intellect, and education, to address. How about the question of the origin of sex, which seems to defy the natural selection of random genetic mutations mechanism:

“Why is evolutionary sex so threatening that it dare not even be mentioned in textbooks or science classes? Given the unique nature of gendered, sexual meiosis compared with non-gendered, asexual mitosis, the first-ever generation of sexual reproduction would have required 1) a never-before-seen male organism and a novel female organism, 2) magically having compatible chromosomes, and 3) a death-defying process of precisely halving their chromosomes, mixing them together in a revolutionary way, and then recombining to produce, not a clone (as in asexual replication), but a unique offspring unlike any on the planet. Not to mention the minor details of geographic proximity and an evolved instinct to mate—all absolutely required in round one of sex to get the sexual ball rolling.

That’s only for starters. What school children must also never know is that the familiar “tree of evolution” (illustrating evolution’s bedrock assumption of common descent) could never have happened in actual fact. Natural selection could not possibly have provided simultaneous, on-time delivery of the first compatible male/female pair of each of millions of sexually-unique species. (Merely consider the weird, cannibalistic sex of the praying mantis! Or, even more problematic, the first-ever male and female reptiles, mating and reproducing as no amphibians before them.) In his best-selling book, Why Evolution is True, even skeptic Jerry Coyne keenly appreciates where the crux of the evolution debate lies. “A better title for The Origin of Species,” says Coyne, “would have been The Origin of Adaptations. While Darwin did figure out how and why a single species changes over time (largely by natural selection), he never explained how one species splits in two.” (Would it breach “the wall of separation” to share an evolutionist’s corrective with school children?)

     But, kiddies, don’t raise such issues with your materials, atheist, feminist, communist biology teacher at school, who will no doubt flag you as  a right wing, alt right, extremist, racist, and take action against you, as the Regime delights in doing.

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