The mainstream Australian media have tackled, in heir own way the issue of Australia having the highest excess mortality in over 80 years, with a 12 percent increase of excess deaths in 2022. That amounts to 20,000 deaths, with 10,300 allegedly due to Covid, and with 2,900 deaths were the virus contributed. The other 6,600 deaths were not related to Covid, and are explained as being due to cancer and heart disease. Naturally, the Covid vaxxes had no role to play in this, they allege.

This claim flies in the face of evidence that has been posted from numerous sources at the blog from other jurisdictions. But, keeping to Australia, excess dementia deaths constitute contrary evidence. As noted by Steve Kirsch, the explosion of dementia deaths in June to July precisely coincides with the Covid vax rollout, while back in 2021, there were only 15 deaths from dementia in 2021.

A theoretical reason for doubting the claim that a Covid vax is not having an impact is evidence from the Israeli Ministry of Health, which shows that the Covid vaxxes increase the risk of death for at least 180 days after having the vax.

“The study shows the vaccine gradually increases the risk of death over time with a peak at 4 months from the shot. This is why it is so hard to see compared to a vaccine which causes a massive number of deaths shortly after the shot. But they don’t blame the vaccine. Instead, they claim that the increase in mortality is due to the healthy vaccinee effect (HVE). This is a “hand-waving argument” which has no evidentiary basis whatsoever (any HVE effect would be very small and very time limited).

The study also shows very clearly that the vaccines are increasing serious cardiovascular events in ages 12-29 after the shot with a peak on Day 3 that should not be ignored by anyone, but is being ignored by everyone including the people who wrote the study!

They wrote, “The results regarding cardiovascular events close to the vaccination did not indicate an excess risk 30 days after the vaccination.” Seriously?!? You’d have to be completely blind not to see the HUGE spike on Day 3 after the shot. This is a perfect example of gaslighting.

The only explanation that fits is that fits the evidence: the vaccine is increasing your risk of death over time just as I wrote two weeks ago in my article about the Medicare data and that the vaccine is causing cardiovascular events in young people.” This is linked below.

Phenomena like this raise doubts about the idea that the vaxxes can be excluded form bien a contributory cause of he excess deaths.

“There are only two causes that have been suggested:

  1. the safe and effective vaccine
  2. because people in nursing homes were denied hospital treatment.

We can see from the chart that a rapid increase in dementia deaths in June to July exactly coincides with the vax rollout for aged care.

Just a coincidence? Pretty unlikely I think. If you have an alternate hypothesis, it would have to fit the June/July timeframe for the biggest effect.

Evidence for causality

Dementia was listed in 3 of 150 serious adverse event safety signals for 18 and over that the CDC found in the VAERS database and it scored 52X in the X-factor analysis.

If you think it is not caused by the vaccine, I’m all ears because the data fits like a glove.

This wasn’t caused by COVID damaging people’s brain since there was no COVID in June/July 2021 when the excess dementia deaths rose dramatically:

Note, that officially, Australia only recognized 15 deaths from the vaccine in 2021. That’s preposterous. Whenever I do surveys, I find comparable numbers of people who die from COVID vs. the vaccine. Someone is lying to you. Do your own surveys.


Nobody can explain these dementia deaths if it wasn’t the vaccine. So the health authorities say the cause is “unknown.” Simple!

“A new study released this week has shown Australia is experiencing its highest excess mortality rates in over 80 years.

According to the Actuaries Institute, there was a 12 per cent increase in excess deaths in 2022. Of the additional 20,000 deaths, 10,300 were attributed to Covid-19 — with another 2,900 deaths where the virus was a contributing factor,

The remaining 6,600 excess deaths were not related to Covid-19, with ischaemic heart disease and cancer being the most common causes, leading to 2,020 and 970 excess deaths respectively.

Karen Cutter, the spokesperson for the Institute’s Covid-19 mortality working group, emphasised that the increase of 20,000 deaths is extraordinary and has not been witnessed since World War II.

After remaining stable for some time, the number of deaths began to climb, and in 2021, the nation surpassed its expected death rate by 2 per cent. In the second year of the pandemic, there were 3,000 excess deaths, with about 1,400 directly attributed to Covid-19 and 1,600 linked to it.

However, there was a significant shift in 2022 when the excess death rate surged to 12 per cent. Deaths reached their highest point in late July before declining but then began to rise again in November and December.

“It is not within normal levels of fluctuation in non-pandemic times,” Ms Cutter said.


“Covid-19 accounts for about half of this excess, and we are also seeing a significant amount of excess mortality that is not recorded as due to Covid-19 on death certificates.”

The excess deaths increased by 10 to 15 per cent in all states and territories, except for the Northern Territory, while the spike in Western Australia was “delayed due to the state opening its borders in March”.

All age groups experienced excess deaths, with a notable rise among females under 44, but the number and rate were highest among people over 65 years of age.

Additionally, a report released in January showed a shocking 17 per cent increase in Australians dying from a heart attack, compared to a regular year.

Ms Cutter said the Institute believes that the virus still played a role in many of the excess deaths that weren’t directly attributed to Covid.

“Firstly, mortality risk is higher subsequent to an acute Covid infection, and most Australians have now had Covid-19,” she said.

“Secondly, people have not accessed medical care when needed, either through inability (in emergency situations) or through fear or lack of opportunity (thus missing routine care earlier in the pandemic).

“Lastly, some of these deaths could be undiagnosed Covid-19 deaths.”

Cutter stated that vaccine side effects were not cited as a reason for the increased mortality rates.

However, some politicians have questioned the analysis of climbing excess deaths in Australia, with Senator Gerard Rennick claiming reports have “easily confused” the rising numbers with the prevalence of Covid-19 in the community.

“In 2021, when the smaller states had virtually no cases of Covid. Yet despite this, deaths jumped 5.4 per cent from the year before for the country,” Senator Rennick said in a recent statement.

“This increase happened from May onwards one month after the start of the vaccine rollout. What’s significant however is that the smaller states had a higher jump in deaths even though they had no Covid.

“The only variable to explain that was the vaccine rollout. NSW and Victoria would have been higher had it not been for the draconian lockdowns in those states.

“The argument about lockdowns delaying deaths is true but not as much as the jump in excess deaths. Deaths dropped nationally by 2,000 in 2020 but jumped by 8,706 in 2021.”

South Australian Senator Alex Antic has also raised alarm over Australia’s high excess mortality rate.

The Actuaries Institute says vaccine-related deaths are “negligible” in their recent report into mortality.”

“Leading heart disease experts say the death statistics are concerning but not surprising. For years, cardiac deaths have been the leading cause of death in Australia. The pandemic has only increased the risk factors.

“It’s kind of the last straw,” said Professor Tom Marwick, director of the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute.

“The camel’s back was straining under the burden of risk factors, and then we have an infectious disease on top with a bunch of inflammation, hey presto we get an increase of cardiovascular events.”

Coronavirus has been implicated in an increased risk of cardiovascular problems, with a study published in the prestigious science journal Nature finding that rates of heart attacks and stroke were substantially higher in military veterans who had recovered from COVID-19, compared to those who hadn’t had the disease.”