Dear Sir,

The letters keep coming to The Land warning of the dangers of relying on a vaccine or Electronic Identification Devices (EID's) for sheep and goats to prevent the spread of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in Aust. (See Dr P Carter letters Sept.29th and Geoff Davis Oct. 13th) The similarities in the outcomes of the FMD vaccine and the covid vaccine are ominous to say the least.

Will our Government listen to these warnings of both science and experience?  It would appear not if we compare what happened with the covid reaction. There was an orchestrated response by every world leader that sounded suspiciously like they were all reading from the same script. The result was profits for big pharma and bankruptcy, death and disease for the population. I remember very well seeing, then health minister, Greg Hunt denying any involvement with Brisbane based tech company Elume who produced a flu test kit. Elume, by the way, had made a huge $100,000 donation to the Liberal party. The report then showed  Mr Hunt shaking hands with Elume’s product manager one year before with the test kit in his other hand.

The covid response resulted  in the use of an untested vaccine (but given emergency use authorization) which spread the virus via the “vaccine” and resulted in death and disease, division and control of our population like we have never seen or experienced. The results proved another lie, ie the vaccine was neither safe nor effective. This was exactly what research scientist Geert Vanden Bossche warned could/ would happen. He stated that the vaccine used during this 2020 period when the virus was widespread would lead to mutations of the virus, compromised immune systems in the vaccinated and their becoming a potential asymptomatic carrier shedding the virus, just as Dr Carter warned would happen with the FMD vaccine.

When will we learn from those who have done the real life scientific work on FMD like Sir Albert Howard?  His cattle mixed with those with FMD but were not infected. He found that it is the health of the soil and flowing on to health of the stock that determines health or disease.

How we do this on the scale needed here in Australia is a work in progress, but I believe it is possible and reference the work of Dr Christine Jones as a leading light in this area.

In the meantime are we silly enough to allow Govt. ministers, prostituted to big pharma, to dictate policy on FMD and EID’s as they did with the covid response?

It seems strange that in ages past we did not need Govt. regulation or intervention for the population to know that we were in a life or death situation and act accordingly to protect ourselves and others. So why did this “virus” or “pandemic” require Govt. enforced regulations for a virus no worse in most cases than the seasonal flu?

The Land since its inception carries and promotes the line, “Nations may battle and the world rock with revolution but the land will care for him who cares for it”. The battle between Pasteur and Beachamp continues unabated:- attack the virus/disease or attend to the health of the host.

Yours Sincerely