By CR on Tuesday, 20 February 2018
Category: Race, Culture, Nation

Letter to The Editor - ‘Indigenous perspectives’ are already being widely heard and acted upon at all levels of government

To THE AGE          Some of us see the government’s response to the Uluru Statement from the Heart very differently to the way in which Waleed Aly views it (‘Such a sorry way to behave’, 16/2). We are sceptical that the advisory body that issued it (which was formed by invitation only) was really adequately representative. Secondly, we believe that the ‘formal apology a decade ago’ was also unrepresentative and in fact a piece of gesture politics having no mandate from the Australian people as a whole.

     Thirdly, it is disappointing to learn that the prime minister has announced a new inquiry into constitutional recognition. Public discussion in the last two decades has more than adequately established that any such recognition is against the interests of national unity and fundamentally inequitable. That is why no referendum proposal favouring it will succeed. Finally, ‘Indigenous perspectives’ are already being widely heard and acted upon at all levels of government anyway.
  NJ, Belgrave, Vic

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