To The Age The claim in your editorial ("Coalition hopes rest on a policy reset", 28/8) that it will be "diabolically hard" for the government to find "replacement policies" that will "generate a point of difference" with the ALP is untrue. There remain profound differences between the programmes of the Coalition and the ALP, which can be simply summed up: each wants a differently shaped Australia in the future. The Coalition stands for the continuation of our traditional model, while the ALP proposes radical changes. The leadership struggle in the Coalition did not change this situation one iota. The essence of that event was the removal of a PM who sought to significantly shift government policy towards the Left; and the election of Scott Morrison indicates a resumption of the Coalition's support of a traditional Australia. An intelligent and moderate movement back to the Right will involve defence of the infrastructure of our free and united nation, but not subservience to the tenets of the pseudo-religion of "global warming/climate change".
Nigel Jackson, Belgrave, Vic